6 weeks pregnant

edited January 2011 in September 2011
And my boobs are so sore but thankfully not much sickness yet just happened a few times. However I'm so tired and constantly drained. I'm also eating so much scared of getting too massive as I feel like I'm showing already. Wonder if twins or triplets are on the way ha


  • Haha! I thought the same thing but I had my first ultrasound yesterday and there is only one pinto bean in there! My Boobs feel enormous and I can't sleep on my belly anymore bc of it. I'm so scared of the weight gain bc I have already gained about 15 lbs due to stress before the pregnancy. Ugh! I'm trying to start a workout routine but I'm in the middle of relocating so thats been a failure thus far.
  • Do twins run in your family? I have The exact same symptoms and I can't imagine having more than one. Have you gotten in to see the doctor?
  • Ha, lisa91... Same thing is happening with me. My chest is soooo sore. I've been eating so much too and very easily drained even if im not really doing anything. Ive yet to get sick but I just passed 2 days of flu like symptoms but I didn't end up with a fever either of those days and I don't believe morning sickness can last all day... I don't think xD. If I am truly pregnant this time, I'm in my 6th week right now. My fiance and I are trying to have a child and we're having terrible luck - 1 miscarriage so far. I've been afraid to test in fear of disappointment. So I'm waiting till I'm a bit farther along so I don't stress myself out or anything :)

    I'm only 20 so I'm new to all of this too.
  • Sorry to hear that. But yeah prob best thing to do is wait. Im 19 but 20 next month so I'm new to this as we didn't plan it either.
  • Im 6 weeks and mega sore boobs and thy have grew cup size already. Feel sick morning to nite altho havnt physically been sick. Constantly needing to pee, tired all time altho cant get to sleep and cant get comfortable in bed. Feel faint and dizzy when shopping. Oh and cant fasten button on jeans. This is my 3rd pregnancy got 3yr old boy 2nd pregency sadly didnt progress. Fingers a
  • Fingers crossed this pregnancy goes smoothly. And congrats to the sept mummys
  • Melissa I feel the exact same! This is my first so I'm glad others are feeling the same so I know its normal!
  • My dd is sept 4th. My boobs are getting enormous and nipples seriously hurt. Im eating every two hours! I feel like im starving all the time. Has anyone else started gaining weight already?
  • My due date is September 18, this is my 3rd pregnancy. I have a son that will be 2 in April and my 2nd pregnancy was a miscarriage, so my fingers are crossed too. So far I haven't been feeling to bad.
  • Im starting to pile the pounds on and my clothes starting to feel tight already. Im constantly eating and always hungry. My symptons seem to get stronger every day and im only 6 weeks.
  • I'm going on my 7th week and my boobs are killing me. I'm so tired but wake up every night at 3:30 to pee and can't go back to sleep. I always seem hungry and I'm just starting to show. I feel sick more often now, and hoping 2nd trimester is better.
  • I just started my 7th week with baby #2! We are super excited! Took us 6 yrs, to get here and just as I was giving up... Surprise! :) baby is due September 14th! Yay I just pray that everything goes well! congrats to all you moms out there!
  • edited January 2011
    I was about to give up after a year of trying too, but I'm also due Sept. 14!
  • my gf 6 weeks preg. sore boobs for sure. she is always tired. or get tired just like outta nowhere. mood swings in ful effect. she says she looks fat I think she looks beautiful. congrats to all sep babies (:
  • Hi all. My DD is 9/21. I have a 2yr old girl & a previous ectopic. Going for a scan tomorrow to make sure all is well. No sickness yet but sore boobs & sleepy. I too wake up around 3am to pee & cannot go back to sleep! Hope everyone is feeling good.
  • I am 16 weeks and finally at a point where I dont have morning sickness all the time. Now it's just occasional. The breast tenderness went away for me around 9-10 weeks. energy level is still low though. I was iron deficient in my first 2 pregnancies, and expect that I will be this time too. Iron deficiency seems to make the exhaustion worse...something to check into for you first time mommies. Iron supplements may help you.
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