Any1 kniw of any guaranteed wsys 2 conceive :)

As alot of u already know by now... I lost my baby... His heart stopped & the Dr's removed him from me on May 26th... This was very hard 4 me... The Dr released me a we after my surgery & told me I can start trying to conceive right away... So we did... I had my 1st menstrual cycle on Jun 25th... Does any1 have any guaranteed way to help me get pregnant faster... It took us almost 16months last time & i just now turned 37 on June 30th si Im not getin any younger & i want 2 get preg right away... Is there any herbs or over the counter med i can take 2 help.... Please Im open to anything...


  • Idk how effective it will be and it might take some great timing but 5 days after your period up and then on the 8th day the 11th day and 14 well every 3 days for the ovulation timing unless you know how many days after your period u ovulate or even try a ovulation kit
  • My mom always told us to take a baby aspirin every morning when we were trying.. it worked for us.
  • @vayanna... We were having six on random days & twice on the day b4 i thot i was suppose to ovulate & once tonight which is the day after... Its hard cuz i don't wana tell my fiance ok its time cuz he says it messes up the mood... So i try & just initiate sex... But yesterday was suppose 2 b my main ovulation day but we had company all night...

    @katiep8610... I heard that as well & i Have been taking them since a few days after my surgery on June 25...
  • Make sure you put your feet on the wall and your butt on pillows after sex....
  • Yes ttc can be frustrating but relax and don't stress out about it try thr ovulation kit and make sex with your fiance as great as you possibly can because if he's stressed out too it will never work. I never really did the feet on wall thing but I always laid down after and just had quiet time then went to the bathroom and wiped up. For me as well I started to be very active at the gym I dropped 20 lbs and I think it really helped me get pregnant and stay pregnant I too have had miscarriages with dnc's its a horrific emptieness. I applaud you for your strength. I was following your post before back in may. You may even want to talk to your doctor in case you have irregular cycles. I have pcos and that's why its difficult for me to concieve and keep a baby. But I thank god everyday even when we were trying and now that we are very soon to be parents. Life is wonderful keep a positive attitude and know its all in gods hands and that's okay.
  • You guys could try today to cause when you ovulate the egg stays there for 24-48 hours and sperm sticks around for I believe 7 days
  • i also know that talking bc for a while and then stopping it once your period starts helps increase the risk of pregnancy like take it for two months stop talking it when your period starts then the following ovulation you should release more than one egg........ Dnt know how effective it is
  • I used ovulation tests from the Dollar Tree & they helped me conceive both times. We also started having sex 3-5 days before I expected to ovulate, since sperm can live that long, and at least every other day until 2 days after. I also put 1 or 2 pillows under my behind during sex (my husband said it felt great that way anyway, lol) and then stayed in that position for at least 20 min before getting up & cleaning up. It worked immediately for me both times... I remember what you went through in May & I wish you all the best, hun. :) <3
  • Have him drink lotsa orange juice... have sex every day/every other day and elevate hips afterwards
  • Goodluck! Keep legs healthy....or try from back n keep butt n air wendone...n have him stay inside after he finishes
  • some people say taking a plan b then having sex increases the chance of getting pregnant, and the pill doesnt work if you conceive i think it just makes an egg drop i am not sure. But just something i heard. I really wish I knew how to help, i am very fertile so it doesnt take much for me. but good luck and dont stress because that can deter from conceiving just make love and it will happen.
  • I tracked my periods to ttc and it worked after 4 months. I used an app called My Days.
  • I had a mc in November...then we just started Doin it like I'm 6 months:)
  • Lots of woman have used a lube called "pre-seed", i tried mucinex (suppose to make a womans cervical mucus a bit more hospitable for sperm), i also heard taking gerital (the multi vitamin) helps along with opk kits. I've tried all but the pre-seed and had no luck (been ttc 7 months now) but... All just stuff i've heard can help. Good luck to u tho. Very very sorry for ur loss. I've had a mc and its tough. Hang in there tho. I hope u get ur baby soon. Let ur body and mind heal.
  • edited July 2011
    my only advice is sex every other day until your next period or missed period.
  • Sex every 3days. (gives sperm higher count) make sure get doesn't masturbate in.between. cut back on caffeine and stop smoking if you do smoke.. the way i conceived is when we stopped trying.. it took Me a year and a half to get pregnant with my first which i unfourtnaly mc. now my daughter is 10days old. It took me a week after mc to get pregnant again. you need to enjoy the sex and not treat it like business. relax is a main key! good luck hun. i know how you feel..
  • Hun if there was a for sure way, so many women would have problems... believe me, if there was, I'd do it! Everyone is different and I think u need to try to relax and up your chanced but not drive yourself crazy. Vitamins help, tracking bbt & ovulation, maca pills for u & him, sex every other day if you can... but at least around ovulation, elevated pelvis (pillow) after sex & just go to sleep, preseed possibly... obviously a healthy lifestyle helps as well.

    Ill be trying with ya... I'm so sorry for your loss and pray your heart heals and a full-term blessing comes!!
  • Theres a vitamin called geritile I think thats how u spell it & u can get it from walmart, walgreens any drug store and take one everyday and have sex as much as possible. I didnt try it but I know a few girls it worked out for. Good luck! xx
  • After my m/c my dr advised that I take folic acid. So if you're ttc start taking folic acid or prenatals, and basically everything everyone has mentioned will help.
  • There is an herb called vitex that I heard was good for women who are could probably find it at GNC but I'm not sure. Google it and see what u find out! Good luck and lots of baby dust to u!!! :-)
  • My doctor did an ultrasound to see when my eggs would be ready, and gave me a shot to have me inject by belly button. It causes you to ovulate to the hour, like 38 hours exactly. We had sex three days before and after ovulation and were pregnant first cycle.
  • @josiahsmommy... I think its call Geritol... Its a multi-vitamin right?
  • Yes right I know for a fact it made them very fertile & eventually pregnant & it didnt take long. They took the vitamins everyday for like a month and then suprise they were expecting
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