I ate....(finish the sentence)

edited February 2011 in Just for Fun
I literally ate a whole bag of cheetos puffs for lunch & dinner, & not the snack size either....


  • I wish i could eat alot......diabetes gets me down I crave for everything I cant have.....ERRRR makes me so mad.....I really want a frozen capp from tim hortons and I cant have it ......I want ice cream.....I cant have it.....I want everything I cant have and it makes me mad.....So I finish the sentence with.....I ate a little tiny bit of the things I didnt want...LOL
  • I ate boneless chicken wings and pizza for dinner last night and doughnuts from timmies this morning
  • I ate a half box of girl scout cookies for lunch, and now working on the second half for bfast! Yummy thin mint!
  • I ate a whole bag of white chedder popcorn at work. I felt like a pig.
  • I ate a bag of kraft cube cheese for breakfast...
  • I ate.. (well drank) a 3100 calorie milkshake from Coldstone. I knew what I was doing.. But I just couldn't stop ): & my bf works there, so its happened more than once.
  • Pickles and a banana
  • I have ate more food in the past few weeks than what I have ever eaten :$
  • Honey nut Cheerios and blueberry muffins. Now I really want Taco Bell...
  • Peanut butter pancakes and syrup. Wish I had some strawberries to go with it.
  • I ate my first bologna sandwhich in about 15 years
  • I ate honey nut cheerios with almond milk, a naked juice, a salad, and a v8 today :)
  • A taco with corn, a blueberry bagel and a peach (:
  • U ladies r lucky. I start throwing up again I don't know what to do I've tried crackers and some other stuff but its seems like its not workin. Arggggh. Im worried that its gonna take forever. Do you guys know if there are some women that have morning sickness thru out their pregnancy? Juz curious
  • Yeah I got morning sickness again 2 @ 27 weeks blah @jpmommy how do u get boneless chicken wings I'm in australia they soinds rather unnatural
  • Two chilly dog's with mustard and cream cheese. :)
  • @islandgirl yeah sweetie, with my daughter all I could eat was salad & fruit or I got sick every time it was like that from day 1 with this pregnancy I can eat more variety I just have to watch how much I eat & what it is.
  • @bummy57 I made them would you like the recipe its so easy and so good
  • ... BBQ chicken, 4 ice cream cups, and mashed potatoes for dinner last night, and pancakes and jelly for breakfast
  • In and out for dinner with 2 orders of animal style fries :) yummy
  • Sour candy and lots of it. I wake up in the morning craving it!
  • Froot loops....yummy
  • Mandarin oranges and sweet baby rays bbq sauce...my husband nearly barfed watching me eat it!....lol
  • @islandgirl unfortunately I am one of these lucky lucky women. :-( I'm 24 weeks and 4 days, sttiiilll getting sick.
    A few tips and tricks to try are:

    *not letting your tummy get empty, or only filling it with liquid. Small snacks thru out the day can help keep the naseau at bay.
    *trying to have more acidic foods (oranges and grapefruits are my god-send)
    *try to not load up on fast food or dairy foods. (they make me pretty sick...)
    *chewing/snacking on ginger treats can really help. Sugared ginger pieces, ginger snaps, and even second cup ginger latte (since it's made with real ginger)
    *sucking on a hard candy thru the day has helped me too
    *its safe to take tums if your tummy is really upset

    if all else fails, you can get medicine from your doc to help with the naseau. (just note that there can be side effects. i went on some for a while during my first trimester...i stopped throwing up, but got sooo constipated. TMI i know, but just to give you the heads up...)

    good luck hun. :x
  • I ate....... EVERYTHING lol
  • I ate what could have been the best cheeseteak EVER! But there was a tomato shortage so I didn't get to have any on my sandwich. Sad sad day... :-(
  • I ate a pork roast with roasted spiced potatoes and corn and green beans.
  • Steak egg and cheese on a regular bun....lmao at work smashing all dey food
  • I ate today...3 weebix with yoghurt ,pear and peach lunch was a tuna and salad roll and a chocolate milk and a cheeseymite scroll ( that's cheese with vegiemite in a roll) a nectarine , then tea was a chicken wrap with heaps of salad and a few wedges on the side with sour cream and sweet chillie sauce an a glass of oj an big bottle of water :):):):):)
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