Sea food.

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
A few friends and I are going to red lobster next week. And I need to know if I'm gonna have to tell them somewhere else. Anyone know if I can eat it or not???


  • You fine. Just stay completely away from fish with high mercury. I've pigged out on crab legs and shrimp.
  • K thanks. Red lobster is my fav restraunt so I dont want to have to skip out on it.
  • Crab legs! So yummy! I pigged put on them after every ob appt with my oldest
  • You just don't want to eat big fish, like salmon, swordfish, or lake fish...also oysters, for the mercury content like nykolle said. Its recommended that you eat 2 servings a week! Yum! You can eat cod, haddock, tilapia, shellfish!! You can do a search for seafood to stay away from while preggo. Enjoy :D
  • Thank goodness! I was worried I would have to give up crab legs and shrimp. So good to know. @ baby3 red lobster is my favorite too. Enjoy!
  • I think my bf was a little upset when I told him I didnt know if we could go. Thanks girls I think he ll be happy now. Lol
  • I love seafood but I dnt thnk the baby likes it wen I was mayb 6wks my aunt my sister and I snuck off to red lobster without telling neone and I couldn't eat it at all I ate a few shrimp and got the worst sickness ever...I was irked
  • I'm afraid thats what's gonna happen. Well this is our telling our friends were pregnant dinner so with I get sick they'll figure it out. Lol
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