For my parents I am going to tell right away. My sister got on my case about waiting to tell everyone else til I am three months. That is why I am asking,
We announced it at 6 weeks only because our parents couldn't keep their mouths shut and were telling everyone even though we told them not to. So we announced it early so we can experience some of the joy of telling people before they all knew. It's a sore subject for me.
We told out parents right away but I had a m/c in Feb the day after we told the extended family. We are waiting till we find out what it is so we can tell everyone that way
We waited until 13 weeks to tell everyone. I told my mom and sister right away, because I was spotting and freaking out. But I didn't want to tell anyone until we told our daughter and I wanted to wait to tell her until we'd passed the biggest risk of miscarriage.
That's what I was afraid of. She's 5 and I knew she wouldn't understand and we'd have to explain it over and over, which would be hard, so we waited. Good luck!
My hubby wanted to tell everyone as soon as we found out. I was about 7wks. He was very excited hehe I was too, but I was kinda in shock when we first got our bfp
We are going to wait until we get to about 12 weeks because i have had 2 m/c this year one at 5 weeks and one at 7 weeks so im kind of afraid to say anything too early the next time we concieve. my friend posted it on facebook at 5 weeks and had to post it when she lost the baby at 7 weeks because everyone kept asking how her and the baby were doing and it was making her really upset i dont thing i will even post it on facebook until after the gender ultrasound.
Both times I swore I wouldn't tell anyone until 14 weeks/second trimester. Both times I told everyone at 11 weeks...risky, but I couldn't wait any longer! LOL