Pregnant Again Right After Giving Birth.

edited July 2011 in Health
Is it "dangerous" or "unhealthy" to become pregnant a short time (2,3 months) after giving birth?

A lot of people raise their eyebrow at my situation, and think I'm this maniac rabbit women, that has been pregnant for 2 years.

Just thought I'd ask some ladies for opinions about the situation I am in.


  • You know each to their own. My bff her oldest 2 our 11 months a part and you know they are now 19 & 20 are still the best of friends almost like twins. If you are happy about your babies then f everyone else. A child is a miracle no matter how far or how close you have them.
  • edited July 2011
    My mom got pregnant with me after two months from having my brother and I came out fine.we're a yr and a wk apart and we're so close. I've heard of a lot of women going to their 6 wk pp appt and being pregnant so I don't think it matters but its a harder pregnancy especially if you had a c section. I just had my baby in may and both my husband and are trying at the end of this yr or beginning of next yr..people think we're crazy but all my siblings and his siblings are close in age and we both like the idea of them growing up together
  • It's your life :) live it how you like.
  • My friends sister got pregnant three months after her first but didn't know until she was 3 months in bc she was breast feeding and never had her period. Long story short her second child is just fine. Also went to hs with sisters one born Jan or Feb and the other born in November. Ur body will handle is just fine.
  • Thank you ladies. Our decision was not planned. I was taking birth control, but I guess some things were just ment to me.

    I'm due SEPTEMBER 3rd and my oldest son will be turning one SEPTEMBER 25th.

    Very excited, yet also extremely terrified.
  • Congratulations! I'm not on any birth control because my ob said since I can't handle taking the lowest dose of estrogen then my body difetinatly can't handle other bc. And since I told him our plans he said it was useless to get an iud
  • Two babies that are 11 months apart are known as "Irish Twins"... not real sure why, but they are.
  • I see nothing wrong with it. My mother has six children 26(Feb85), 24(Aug87),23(Nov88),22(Aug89),21(Jun90),20(Jun91) I actually stay the same age with my brother for three months then he turns another year. My sister and I stay the same age for two months before I turn another age. We all grew up very close to each other..
  • I say so with whatever makes you happy, I feel like mentally it would drive me insane feeling like I was pregnant for 2 years lol these 9 months are killing me. But my nephew and niece are 2 and 3 they are 9 months apart and some days lol adorable and rotten :)
  • Thank you!

    @Mythica I have heard of the term "Irish Twins". I also don't know what the meaning behind that is.
  • edited July 2011
    Lol irish twins because they were catholics and had lots of children close in age slightly derogatory due to the fact that it means they couldn't control themselves and or do not believe in practicing birth control
  • If you look at the recommendations, most doctors say to wait 18 months, because back to back pregnancies are harder on your body. So in that way, it might be "unhealthy" and if you had a c sec last time, then your chances for uterine rupture are greater,(but still low), so that could be considered "dangerous".

    People will always comment, no matter what your situation is. Mine are going to be 5 years apart and I get a lot of people asking if the age gap is too far. And I'm having another girl, so everyone wants to know if I'm sad because it's not a boy (even though I wanted a girl, lol!!) So just let their comments roll off and ignore them! Good luck!
  • I personally would not care what others have got to say. They aren't living your life so it doesn't matter.
    it happens a lot, and sure it wouldn't be dangerous or unhealthy unless you didn't heal properly from the previous birth.
    i would love to have kids really close together but unfortunately money would be a problem for us.
  • As long as your body is back to normal and you are emotionally ready for it I don't see why not. My husbands girls are 16 months apart so the oldest was 2 months when they got pregnant with their second. Some people think its crazy but who cares! If u had a good pregnancy and are ok with two toddlers then go for it! :) if you're blessed you're blessed girl!! I say congrats... they will be best friends. We love it.
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  • Just read more... I think its a blessing and people who don't like it can go screw! Haha
  • My first 2 are 23 monthes apart, and then this one is gonna be 23 months apart also.
  • 2 of mine are 12months and 2wks apart
    Jaiden 09-02-08
    Ryan 09-21-09
  • I got pregnant w/my daughter 3 mos after I had my son. I was breastfeeding my son and getting pregnant made my milk go away so I had to start bottle feeding him. Other than that(& the double weight gain) the only other thing I had to deal w/ was frequent comments from people...but Ive become good at ignoring those ;)
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  • @homebirthadvocate is it dangerous to get pregnant that soon after birth if you had a c-section? just curious cuz my husband said he wants another right away but im kinda scared to get pregnant that soon after c-section
  • edited July 2011
    @snowflake I heard it takes your incision inside 6 months to heal...dunno if its true but I've seen it several times on the internet

    My mom got pregnant right away with me 2 months after having a c section and she had no problems
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