my husbands gaining weight

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Is anyone elses partner gaining weight? My husband has gained 5lbs already I'm only 7weeks


  • Lol the old wives tale is the hubby gains weight its gonna be a girl. My hubby is and also did with our other 2.
  • My fiance is too! I'm 10 weeks and he's gained 10 pounds. I joke with him and say now which one of us us pregnant lol
  • He's not gaining weight, but he has all my preggo symptoms while I feel GREAT! lol Or I should say better than him! lol
  • Mine is! Lol I'm 23 weeks and he's gained 15 lbs. He says he has that "daddy feeling" its a girl. Our baby wouldn't let us see at the 20 week US.
  • My fiance looks a little healthier im 2mon
  • Lol mine has gained 15 pounds but i think he looks good now cuz he was skinny b4
  • My wife is 9 weeks and has dropped 6lbs. Dr said it's ok but I have put on almost 8lbs.
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