belly piercings

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
Does anyone have one or had one and took it out. I took mine out about two months ago. Now it itches and is sometimes feels like the skin is pulling is this normal?


  • Yeah it is mine does the same its cause its stretching I took mine out at six n a half months or seven I don't remember exactly I miss it a lot though :(
  • I miss it but I wish it would just stop itching.
  • Do you know of anything
  • ugh i forgot when i took mine out during my first pregnancy but its now ugly and has a stretch mark on the hole! i don't even have stretch marks on that part of my tummy. lol that was like 8 years ago and i left my piercing out but the hole didn't even close yet
  • My first pregnancy I didn't have this problem. I had a pregnancy belly ring. This time I can't even wear it.
  • I took mine out at about 6 months and there is a massive red/purple scar around it and its moved way above my belly button now so its really ugly :( wish I took it out at the start
  • I took mine out at 3months. I miss mine
  • I took mine out at 5 months. Miss it too
  • Vitamin e oil maybe or baby oil...or Cocoa butter oil. I use the cocoa butter oil on my itchies and it helps loads.i also use baby oil on all of my piercings when cleaning them at least once a wk.
  • I will have to find some cocoa butter oil. Wish I could try baby oil. I am allergic to it
  • mine still does that and i took it out last year when i was pregnant with my son! lately i have noticed that maderma (sp) helps it and the scar i have is starting to go away!
  • I just use tons of lotion n take benadryll at night every time it starts to itch I put on more lotion it helps me
  • I put Bio oil and vitamin e oil on mine and finish it with Aveeno lotion and it doesn't itch. I took mine out 2 months ago and put it in every few days to make sure it doesn't close
  • I took mine out right away I think at 7 weeks and I have a bad scare now from my skin strecting and of course stretch marks on top of it aka (beauty marks) my hubby calls em :) & it hurts& itches I use lotion doesn't sometimes helps alittle
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