OMG what if the u/s tech was wrong

edited July 2011 in Third Trimester
I did the ultrasound and the tech says Girl... I really really want a girl But I was just wondering what if she's wrong... Am I just being crazy?? Is anyone else feeling the same way?


  • There's always a chance of it being wrong. How far along are you?
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  • You'll probably get another ultrasound eventually for whatever reason. Just have them double check. There are pretty obvious differences between the genders, boys being twig and berries (very obvious berries), and girls having three little lines. I was worried about the exact same thing cuz the tech said there was a 10% chance my princess had a penis at 17 weeks. But I got another ultrasound at 29 weeks, and she was SO obviously a girl it wasn't funny. lol. Even with a pretty modest closed leg stance, tech was like, "Yep, that's 99.99% female. I won't say 100% cuz there's always room for error. But I can damn near guarantee you that's a girl."
  • @USMCwifemommy101107 blood samples won't work, and amnios are way too risky for them to just do one for gender. But amnio is the only surefire way to tell, aside from birth, of course. lol
  • I'm 36 weeks n my fiance is constantly joking n tellin me that the tech was wrong n that my little gracelyn is a boy :( I want a boy as well but I'm so excited for my little girl n all the stuff I got is pretty girly her whole room is green with tinkerbell flowers n ladybugs all over it n I have tons of girl clothes. He's got me freaked out now :( I'm pretty sure she is a girl though I got my gender ultrasound at 21 weeks
  • When they did my ultrasound they looked under my baby's butt up toward the head. Definitely all boy.
  • edited July 2011
    They were wrong with me. At 20 weeks it was a girl as per tech and doc. Last tuesday at 32 wks it's a boy. They even gave me a picture of his goods.
  • I'm paranoid that they got Bunny wrong also. Shes def not a shower shes a sitting cross-legged with the cord between her legs and her hands grabbing her butt kinda girl. So the sono when we found out girl was a 2 Sec flash when turning over
  • i know what youre going through... im 36 weeks had an u/s at 20 and dr said without really checking that it was a girl... (he didnt show me any pictures either) then last week when i went in for an u/s she wouldn't show her lady parts to us... (umbelical cord was in the way and she had her legs crossed).. so i am 36 weeks and have a possible girl...
  • I am 32 weeks and it might be my last ultrasound... I started my prenatal care late so I'm not really expecting to get another ultrasound... So then it should be pretty accurate if I'm soo far along rite???
  • The u/s tech didn't seem unsure though... So I shouldn't be either rite??
  • You should have asked her to point out and go over the parts with you. My doctor froze it and went over the female parts for me. I'm 100% sure its a girl.
  • My little girl ended up having a pecker.. So ya never know.
  • My girl is a boy had 3 scans last at 34 weeks they said def no boy parts there and I didn't see any and then I had a boy was quite a surprise
  • Im Worried About The Same Thing
  • My sister-in-law was supposed to be a boy. Even up until delivery they were telling my mother-in-law that she was a boy.
    Well, Daniel turned out to be an Emma lol. They had to go and return all the boy things the day they left the hospital and buy girl things.
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