To those of you that haven't told anyone

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
I haven't told anyone at work that I'm prego but I feel like people know. Today my coworker aporoached me and asked when was I getting knocked up. Lol do any of you feel like people do know evenythough you've kept it a secret.


  • My wife feels the same way. We are still trying to hold out till four months. It can also be people playing around. Her girlfriends are always saying thinks like that to her.
  • I never told anyone at work and I misscarried at 13 weeks last week. Perfect timing cause a rumor went around that I was preggo. Everyday I get asked if I'm pregnant..constant reminder of my little monkey :(

  • We haven't told anyone yet. They probably know but think maybe I'm just getting fat LOL
  • I don't feel like people know because I'm a stay-at-home mom and I'm not around people on a regular basis. Unless you've gained weight or are constantly running to the toilet to upchuck, people are probably clueless ;)
  • Yeah I'm not telling anyone either I also had a mc last year. Although I didn't tell anyone last time I think ppl knew I was 3 1/2 mths. I will try to push it out until the first trimester is over I hope I make it this time around.
    @mommytobe- I am so sorry you are gng through this. It is very hard especially when you work and ppl constantly ask when your gng to have a baby. Or like last year when I had my mc there were 4 girls that were prego. Hang in there hun.
  • I am 16 weeks so its probably time to start filling people in.
  • We have told his family... But not mine.. And not many of our friends know... We are waiting a little while longer because of our kids being young we are waiting to tell them plus my familyvos 1000 mile a away
  • I have misscarried before too and I swore the next time I would keep it a secret but I have told my close friends because they would have figured it out soon anyways. I am waiting to tell everyone until I am 3 or 4 months...its hard though
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