Feeling a little crampy

For the past few days I've been feeling light cramps. No bleeding and baby is still moving about. 27+4


  • Its normal ur uturs starting to stretch
  • Yea its normal
  • I was just about to post a discussion on this i'm 26 weeks and within the last hour I've had really bad cramps, I've taken tylenol, laid on my left hand side and tried walking. Tmi but it feels like I need to poop but I don't.... I may not be having a natural birth like I wanted, this hurts!
  • @kimberly4411 well the feeling the need to poop means you should call your dr. Is it like contractions??
  • @lily_glz i'm not sure what a contraction feels like but unless its one super long contraction then no, because there hasn't been a break
  • Oh no there's breaks.. drink lots of water if you don't already @Kimberly4411
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