i am due sept 30

edited February 2011 in September 2011
I am due Sept 30 2011


  • How have you been feeling?
  • Nauseated and exhausted. You?
  • Is this your first? This is my 2nd pregnancy and it is totally different from my first. I am not as sick before and I get tired by the end of the day with my daughter I was tired and sick the first trimester all day everyday.
  • This is my fourth pregnancy, but two were miscarriages. My daughter will be 3 next month. I was sick the entire 9 months with her and am hoping for a less intense experience this time.
  • Im due sept 29. No morning sickness, jus sore boobs n cramps in thigh area
  • edited February 2011
    I am nursing my daughter so no sore boobs. Honestly I don't feel preggo but when the evening comes that is when I just tired and sometimes feel nausea.
  • congrats to the both of you!
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