young in school / lonely / working

I'm new to this app but I think its great. To have a support system of women :-) ..I'm 21 in college n my babies father Is a piece of ...crap :-) this is my first child n I know I wont be depressed when he/she gets here but right now I feel so alone. He's a liar n a cheater I think its so trifling to cheat .. not mention. IM freaking PREGNANT..thats Love alright. ..Any useful advice I'd love to hear ..also how do I put up pics.. :-) thanks


  • Don't know about pics but I do know guys can suck! Ur a a mom you'll be great bc as a woman u can do all for ur child. It may sound crazy but once I became a mom (at 19) I was suddenly able to do more than I thought ever possible. I'm married but more often than not he just sits in bed ALL day. It sucks when u want more help and its not there but then u look into those innocent eyes and know everything is just right and that baby is all u need.
  • Ur right thanks for the empowering words's hard to keep my mind on the right track. I know I need to be focused on school but u never thought I'd be in this situation alone. Its probably my hormones that's got me all out of wack..I look forward to meeting my little one n I know ur right nothing else will matter wen I do...

  • First of all praise urself for bein independent!! Im in the same situation kinda but oh well my bd aint nothin an tha only thing i got for him is two words: child support haha! Keep smilin afterall ur still standing at the end of the day thats all that matters.
  • You go girl! I am married and have issues in my marriage that makes me question but we have a daughter together and another on the way and right now I don't get no support from him at all. I am the one who does it all for this beautiful lil girl and now I have another one on the way I already said that I will his help he knows an says he will do but only time will tell. But not matter what with or with out him I will do it for my babies!
  • I'm 21 too in college and pregnant with our first. My boyfriend is wonderful most of the time but sometimes he says things that make me worry if he's gonna stick around or not.
  • edited February 2011
    Yeah thanks everyone. :-) he says he wants to be there Now but I need more stability but it is good to have someone rub my back. I just wish he was there emotionally ..but were young n I guess people mature at different times ...random question I'm. 5 months on Friday And my face is breakin out badly. :-( Anyone else have this problem
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