ultrasound/y cant i get another one/no fair! ! !

edited July 2011 in Third Trimester
I've only had one and I think its my bullshit ass insurance because I hear women getting 2 or 3 even more! Im past due& she still isn't giving me another one, i don't think its fair I can't get another one & any advice how 2 .


  • Idk Hun sorry
  • Same here, dey only give more if high risk or if dey r wrried about da baby, I've been trying 2 figure it out for months but only one so far & I got lucky with a second cuz I went into preterm contractions it was rlly bad quality tho cld barely see da baby!!
  • @1stTime_Mommy what insurance did u have ? That's what they say for my insurance (medicaid ) but the other insurance companies that cost alot$$$$$ u can get them quit often some even whenever they want I don't get it that is not fair at all :-(
  • edited July 2011
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  • I'm getting a third, only cause I've moved states and I guess they want their own results.
  • Most insurances only give one or maybe two unless the doctor orders more. My insurance only gave me one (for 20 weeks) but since we didn't know my lmp or due date doc ordered another one.
    A girl at my work only had a co-pay to get as many as she wanted. Her anatomy scan was free but if she wanted another one she only had to pay $20.
  • I have mediCal and im going for my second next week. have u called ur insurance to find out how many they cover and if theirs a copay for additional ones? if ur denied more than one try going to a local clinic and just make something up. they'll usually take u to get an ultrasound. good luck
  • I haven't called my insurance but I will thanks I read up on it cuz they refuse 2 give me another I wanted 2 make sure everything was okay because I've had problems
  • & plus there fun 2 have 2 look back at in the future nobody wants just 1 if so idk y they would lol
  • If you are having problems they should give you another one. I have been very lucky. I got two at the doctor's and I went to the ER for pains and they gave me one then. I wouldn't suggest going unless you really are in pain because it cost A LOT of money and they don't show you as much as they do at the doctor's office. I am getting another one because at the ER they said my placenta was a little low. I asked my doctor if she was going to check it as I move further along because it could grow and not be a problem but if it stays low then I would have to have a c-section so I don't hemorrhage. She said yes and scheduled one for the next visit. I don't think their techs picked it up because she acted surprised. I am glad I said something.
  • I have an ultrasound every month just Cuz doc wants to know how baby is and doesn't want it to get too big for me (I'm having another csection)...otherwise I think it depends most on the doc...and I think 1 or 2 should b good.
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  • Well I thought they would cuz of my problems but they said they don't give more than one which obviously they do especially if there are complications but idk well im past my due date so I guess ill have 2 wait it out 2 c if babies okay tell she gets here which is b.s if there's something wrong with my kid idk what id do, im not going 2 this dumb doctor again anyway
  • I had 2 so far.. idk if i get more or not though.. im planning in a 3/4d one this coming month and im getting superr excited
  • I get one every week.
  • You should get at least 2 or 3 even with minimum insurance. So I don't see why.
  • I got two only becuz they thought my placenta was low if it was at regular high I would have only got one at 20w
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