my first babii boy super stoked

Have u ever wondered that you'll wake up n ur wife is karrying ur first babii boi It's a wonderful bout u new dads out there...


  • We are still a few weeks away from finding out the sex. My wife just started her 9th week yesterday, but I can only imagin how stoked you are!
  • Majorly stoked man a lil me running around kant get no better than that
  • My bf is also super happy we are having a boy its his first he has a 13 yr old from a previous relationship.
  • My bf is getting his first little girl he has a three year old son from a previous relations
  • Yeah I have a 6 ur old son from my girlfriend now one more lil man on the way then she'll have all her bodii guards she needs...maybe a princess on the near future...
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