monster mother in law (kinda long) need advice

I swear im probably going to kill her at some point, shes lucky she lives 9 hours away or i would have already. starting from the beginning, i never really liked her parenting style and really disagree with the choices she made in her life, like putting herself before her kids and quitting her job for no reason knowing she had no money and kids to support. I was willing to look past all of that and just try to get along with her because she is the grandmother of my child, however, she is making that impossible. First, told me she hated the name I picked out for my baby and gave me a list of other names she liked for the baby, the name didn't change. Then, she decided to pick out things for my baby in a certain theme, jungle, for a girl, I told her no. Then she tells my bf that its my fault shes never going to see the baby because he moved out here for me. Also, told him that I should pay for her to come out here when the baby is born, pay for her hotel and everything so she can see the baby. Yeah Right. Then she got mad about how I didn't answer her facebook message right away and posted a long paragraph about how terrible i am on facebook. So when things started to get really tense between the two of us he finally stepped in to talk to her and tell her she needed to apologize for the things she has said and done. She refused saying that shes the only one who tried to get to know me and how I should be trying to impress her and that I should be bending over for her to like me! On top of calling me a little princess bitch numerous times amongst other names. BF says hes done being in the middle and we need to sort it out ourselves. I'm at the point of banning her from seeing my child. Not just for the things shes said because that plays a big part but because shes also a very heavy smoker and I disagree with how she acts/talks and she keeps trying to tell me how to take care of my baby. UGH. what do you guys think? ban her from visiting? or at least ban her from visiting until i get an apology? any advice?


  • I think I'd just block her from FB, lol. But seriously, she lives so far away and it sounds like she can't even afford to come out, I'd just do my best to grit my teeth and ignore her. You don't have to use the stuff she buys. And you have every right to forbid her from smoking around your baby when she visits. My inlaws live right here in town with us and they were upset when we wouldn't come visit or let our daughter stay the night because of smoking, but now they don't smoke in their house, so we can visit.
  • she removed me as a friend about a week ago.. immature but w/e. and she cant afford to come out but shes having her sister pay for it so she says shes coming. but we'll see what i decided, its hard to say anything without BF constantly defending her.
  • It's a tough thing for both of you, my hubby and I butt heads over his mother ALL the time. But luckily, we both agreed on the smoking thing!
  • i wish we did he says its not a big deal if its just for short periods of time but I completely disagree
  • Sounds like its time for him to cut the umbilical cord..
    If she cant respect you and you marriage then I see no point in having her involved with your life.
  • I think ur lucky she lives so far away. My mother in law lives about 5 minutes away and thinks that she can boss me around like she bosses my husband around. Iv been nice for 5 years but with hormones and all I feel like im about to tell her to butt out.
  • edited July 2011
    I don't speak to my inlaws so I think I can relate. However I think my situation is mild compare to your MIL. Not only is the smoke bad for baby but the smoke smelling clothes is unhealthy too. You also don't want baby smelling like smoke.

    I have a hard time allowing my daughter around my inlaws and really they're not bad people. We just don't see eye to eye. I feel as long as they don't step on my guidelines there's no problem. BF needs to back you up on this. It's a crappy position for him to have to be in but it is the way it is.

    Good luck
  • It's crazy how monster In laws are always the guys mother doesn't annoy the shit out of me like his mom does. She's kind of a control freak and all into her traditions ...well we are making our own Damn traditions after the baby is born. Screw her. LOL good luck with your monster in law;-)
  • does anyone know if i can actually keep her from seeing my daughter? BF isn't going to tell her she cant come
  • grandparents dont have rights. so yea you could. you could tell him you dont want her in your home. if he doesnt comply, leave til you get your point across.
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