ugh 40weekz!!

Im 40 weekz today..nd still no baby in my armz..any wayz i can speed up labor?? Im sooo done with pregnacy!!! Plz ladiez anywayz but sex nd castrol oil?? Dnt wana do thoose!!


  • Evening primrose oil can soften your cervix. Red raspberry tea. Cumin tea. Walk your ass off. Squats like crazy. Swing your hips around and back n forth. Those are some I've heard. Good luck!
  • I am 40 weeks today too and can't believe I am still pregnant! If I don't have him by next Tuesday, I will be induced at 8 am!
  • I walk nd squat like crazy through my whole pregnacy..ugh kant belive itz taking forever nd whatz cummin tea?? Wea can i get it?? Is it safe?? Nd i dnt wana be induce ive heatd itz more sore cuz itz dry birth!!
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