
edited July 2011 in Pregnant
Hey, im 30 weeks and 4 days! Iv been havin alot of pressure and abdominal pains, the midwife isnt answering,, today iv been very dizzy and seein stars, should i be worried? X x


  • Since your midwife isn't answering could you try your l&d?
  • What is a l&d? it could be called somethin different around me, sorry i feel silly askin X
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  • @jadey92 labor & delivery (I think) or do u have a nurses line?? Or ur OB's office?? Why isn't ur midwife answering?? That's terrible!! I hope you are ok hun!!
  • I could go down there but i dont wanna make a fuss if its nothin, has anyone had these symptoms?? X
  • my midwifes are terrible it took them 5 weeks to figure out that i had a infection, the gave me anti biotics and it hasnt worked nd iv been tryin to get holdof them since sunday to tell them!
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