Unemployment Question, please help.

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
I am set to go out on disability in about 2 months to have my baby and right now my job is not doing too well and they are laying people off and since my place of employment has less than 50 employees they don't have to follow certain laws like securing my job while I'm out. If they tell me I no longer have a job when I am done disability after the baby is born will I be able to get unemployment until I find another job? I am scared that they can turn me down and afraid to be without income. Does anyone know about this?


  • I'm so sorry! I just got fired from my job last Thursday so I don't know much about how it works, however the way I understand it is. That if your fired (not for misconduct) or laid off at the employers request, you can collect unemployment benefits. They take like 3-4 weeks after you file cause they have to verify everything with the employer, but I think you would get them. You could also call the labor department in your state and ask to be sure. I understand the added stress but it'll work out :) good luck!
  • It can take a lot longer than 3-4 weeks sometimes so please do asap once you're officially not working.
  • If the give u the can and leave on good terms.... contact ur unemployment office right away and get enrolled. Still look for jobs, but don't use pregnancy as an excuse... they wont pay u then. Im going through the same thing. KY had a problem with me being unemployed and prego... but I got it worked out now...
  • As long as you get let go because they don't have a job for you and not because of cause (I.e. call offs, attitude, write ups) you can file. You should file the first week after your disability ends. And make sure you don't say or do anything at work that would make them think you don't intend to come back after your 6 weeks.
  • Thanks everyone, I feel a lot better now. It's just scary thinking I might not have my job after I have my son.
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