who are you going to have in the birthing room?



  • @may1mommatobe ya she's in the I want a bf stage now but were not that close and I dunno if I want her anywhere near down there.....
  • My mommy has been with me every time I've had a baby...lol So she'll be there for this one, it's her tradition. And my husband of course....this will be his first time, he missed it with his first born.
  • @MSC same here so it will be interesting for their first time. When are you due?
  • @ coolbabybeans I kind of agree with you on the not wanting her anywhere down. I am just so private I think it would be wierd and I want it to be a really special moment with just me and my bf.
  • If my.husband is here then him, if he's deployed when I have a baby, then my mom. I will have another c section so I can only have 1 person in the room.
  • @may1mommatobe that's a hard decision. Is she hell bent on being there?
  • My husband and mom were with me when I had my daughter. But I kind of just want my husband in there this time. I want some alone time with the three of us, and I want my daughter to be the first person to get to see the baby. I know my mom is expecting to be in the delivery room. Do you think it's wrong to tell her I only want him in there? I don't want to hurt her feelings.
  • @sands3 I guess that would be a no brainer on that one....of course it would be hubby. I'm terrified of c section though.....
  • I will have husband mom mother in law sister and a few friends.. my room will be crazy but I don't.want anyone to miss anything: )
  • @bama143126 I kinda feel the same, I just figure all the time before the actual delivery it will be mostly just my hubby and I and then when I feel ready to push ill have my mom in there. I don't want to hurt her feelings and she was there for my first where as my hubby wasn't. If your mom won't be offended then ask her but its up to you, if you just want some "us" time I'm sure she will understand.
  • My c section really wasn't bad. Not what I.would have chosen but after 23 hours of labor I was ready to get him out.
  • Just remember, ladies: its all about you and that baby!
  • Lol @sands3 I could see how the c section would start looking pretty good at that point. Good luck with # 2 :)
  • Thanks! Hopefully ill be having a Nov baby.
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  • My finance my mom and the babies God mama
  • Lol my granny said that to my mom while she was in labor with me (natural) and my mom cursed her out of the room. It's all about timing ;)
  • I plan on having my boyfriend, my mom n his mom
  • The first time I had my mom 2 sisters and bf but this time im only going 2 have my bf cause my sister is going 2 watch my kids and mom and other sister live n ny now.
  • I plan to have my mom husband and mil :)
  • Just my hubby. But I am not going to the hospital until the last possible moment. I hated waiting around and all the interference of the nurses and iv with my first two babies. I think I'll throw a party until I am ready to go then have everyone at the party watch my two boys while we go to the hospital. I don't think any of our family will be offended that they don't get to go to the hospital since only hubby was there for the first two. And they will be happy that they know I am in labor before I actually have the baby. We didn't tell them the last two until we were cleaned up and in the recovery room.
  • This is my 2nd so my husband does not want to be in the room this time but I only want him cause he's the only one I can yell at. LOL. He almost passed out last time, let's see how this goes.
  • @jcmommy thats too funny, it will be interesting to see how mine does he has a week stomach at times
  • i plan on having my mom, boyfriend,his aunt shes like his mom! (his mom and dad died) and my brother who wants to be the god father!!
  • I want my bf and my dad. My dad was my coach and manager thru my athletic career so he really gets me, especially thru stress. It's not that I don't want my mom there, but 3 people might be too much to handle and I'm not sure it'll be allowed. But I'm worried my mom might be offended. :( thoughts, opinions??
  • I don't think 3 is too many. Lots of people have their partner and a parent and a doula. You could always ask your doc though :)
  • Its just gonna be me and my husband. Idk if its cuz I'm immature or just super shy, but I don't want tons of people staring at my vagina >.>
  • Just me and hubby!
  • Thanks @coolbabybeans I'll check with my hospital.
    But no one without a medical degree is going to go lower than my hips lol. :)
  • I wish I cud have my mom in the rm physically but she'll be in there in spirit...

    My bf,dad,2nd "momma" , & auntie

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