Single first time moms

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
My ex wants nothing to do with me or our baby. He can't even tell me if he wants the baby to know who he is. I'm nervous about doing this alone. I'm 11 weeks and 4 days. Any advice?


  • I hear u im doing everything alone an have been for 20weeks now. I have my down days but quikly realize there is no point in being sad when i have a beautiful baby inside of me so i keep smiling with my head held high.
  • Im 32 weeks & 5 days. When I found out he wanted me to get a abortion and I told him no so I havent talked to him sence. & thats when I was 8 weeks. The way I look at it is I got the BEST PART. I love my son so much & I wouldnt change anything.
  • I'm single with my first my bd is an idiot and he is way older than me so I expected him to b mature but he only wants to boink me and doesn't have to deal with pressures of having a new baby ....he aggravate me and he says he wants to live together but really he wants in house access because I'm not giving him any ...its stressful but I'm so happy about my baby that he really doesn't matter but he still is a jerk and it pissed me off that he purposely got me knocked up and acts like a but head
  • Mine was 5 years older than me & already has a 4 year old. but he didnt want my baby & acted like it was a dog. He doesnt even kno how far along I am or that its a boy. Im perfectly happy jus being momma & son. :)
  • I'm not "single" but my babys dad is NEVER around! iv been doing it myself for 10 weeks now...kinda sucks but we're all independent strong women we can do it!!!
  • I'm 7 weeks. When I found out I was pregnant we were broken up but still seein eachother. He didn't want me to keep it but since I am keepin it, he thinks I'm bein selfish for forcin him to be a dad before he's even ready. He's told me horrible things & wont even talk to me now. Its been super hard but I'm jus tryin to take it day by day & hope he changes...
  • He thinks that I am being selfish as well. He has custody of his two other kids. He says he can't afford another one wether it be raising them or child support. I told him that the difference between him and his ex wife is that I have a steady good paying job and I can stand on my own two legs. His ex never worked a day in her life. He just smiled at me and said good go stand on your own two legs somewhere else. I'm just sad because I want my baby to know his/her brother and sister and other grandparents. His mom loves me and is amazing but I have no way to contact her. I know she would want to know she has a third grandbaby...
  • Wow... all these "men" out here making babies and not wanting anything to do with them. So sad. Smh... I'm in the same boat as you all. Me and bd had broken up after a year, but were still "active" if you get my drift. We decided to sever all ties and go our separate ways, then BAM... I got pregnant from the "one last time sex". He has said he loves me and still wants to be with me, but that the baby is a mistake and he wants nothing to do with it. Hello... it's a package deal... I have a strong support system and definitely don't need him. He gets mad when I tell him that for some reason. I really don't know what's going to happen, but if he doesn't make a complete 180 by the time baby gets here, he will be paying child support and that's it.
  • I feel you girls, my baby's father is a complete whore & when I told him I was pregnant @ 6 weeks he wanted me to get an abortion but I told him I don't believe in that & he told me I was being selfish for just making decisions on my own! He tells me he's not ready to be a father but I told him he should of thought about it before you had sex without a condom (straight up)! I am now 22 weeks we talk here & there but he's still on the same bullshit! I don't need him he's just a sperm donar he gave me a beautiful babygirl & she means so much to me so it's just mommy & princess & my family & friends! Child Support here I come!
  • So you guys think I should get him for child support??
  • Of course! Talk to him first to see of you can work something out. Write up an agreement, have him sign it, and have It notarized. If he goes against it, take him to court.
  • @MsKrystal- He won't talk to me. He says he has nothin to say to me. He is so cold hearted.
  • Im having so many issues with my bd that I wish he would just decide to not be around - this back and forth crap is killing me!

    My mom was single when she had me, and it was really hard for her...but 4 years later she met my dad, who adopted me and, 17 yrs later, is still the love of my moms life. I honestly feel like part of he reason Im here is to prepare my mom for the happy life she deserves with her husband. Sometimes the path to the white picket fence is rocky, but doesnt that just make you appreciate it so much more?
  • I just don't understand some guys. They almost make joining a convent worth it.
  • @hunybunyb. He tells me that he has nothin to say to me either! Ugh how frustrating. He says that I'm ruining his life. I said NO, treatin me like THIS is gonna ruin ur life cuz little does he know that if he keeps this bs up, I WILL be a major bitch & get him for child support.
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