what made you take your pregnancy test?

I had been told that I was infertile due to an infection I got that caused massive scarring, hence why my bf and I didnt use protection. I thought I had the best bc out there! I had symptoms here and there, such as tender breasts, but I chalked it up to my period coming. One morning I woke up though, and I just knew. I felt another little soul inside of me, and thats when I took the test.

When did you know?


  • The first time I.got.pregnant I had a feeling the weekend prior when I was at walmart but.I was with my MIL and I didn't want to buy a test in front of her. So I just forgot about it.then two nights later I had a dream I took a test and it was positive. I had a miscarriage after that so this time around I had been feeling really tired and crummy but I thought it was just depression from the previous miscarriage but one night I was really craving nachos and I started to cry.when my husband refused to go buy me some from taco bell so he was like " are you pregnant or.something?"
  • My period was MIA and I had a fever. Plus my husband rolled over in the middle of the night and said "baby, you are so pregnant" lol
  • Missed period all three times. #1 and #3 were positive right away. #2 took longer to show positive.
  • I took a test 6 days after missed period and it came back negative. Then had a dream almost two weeks later that I retook it and it said positive. The next morning I tried again and it was positive.
  • Started throwing up almost a week before my period was due and waited a day or two after it didn't come to take a test
  • I immediately had severe breast pain (started 2 weeks after being pregnant). I had trouble putting on a bra without crying.
  • With my first I didn't know until almost 3 months...I had a 3 week long hangover for my 21st birthday...with this one daddy told me my boobs looked different so o bought a test
  • I was so tired a week before af was due and it got worse, I felt crappier than normal pms, never had this before, tested on last day I would expect af and test was positive in 10 seconds.
  • My boobs felt masive an tender one morning 30wks ago:-)
  • I was 4 days late and a couple weeks before I felt nauseous. I took a digital test and about 30 seconds after I peed on it, it said pregnant.
  • I just knew. I took the test 3 days before I missed my period n all 3 tests were positive. The week after every symptom I could think of hit me, my sense of smell heightened my breasts hurt so bad I had to try undressing without my shirt touching my body, I couldn't suck my stomach in, gas kicked in I slept 2 hours later everyday and I had to pee everytime I drank anything
  • Missed period and huge boobs lol
  • i was mad at my husband, we had been ttc for awhile and i was rarely having a period but we were suppose to spend the day together and he got up real early and left, he forgot I had test so I took and it came out positive, i told his sister since i could find his mom and pretty soon his whole family within a 15 mile radius knew....6 hrs later he came home, he didn't see the note or test i left on the bed but everyone kept throwing subtle hints so i just dragged him in the room and showed him....called him an ass and left
  • I went to the er because i was sick and before they can give u anything they have to test u so that's how i found out i wash pregnet
  • I felt like my period was coming but it didn't. I thought it was delayed becausd I had stopped my bc pills. My ex kept tellin me to take a test even tho I kept tryin to reassure him that I was definitely gettin my period. 5 days late so I finally took one and to my surprise I got that [+]
  • My swollen chest...not to mention the missed cycle....and my out of no where sickness
  • I was lookin for my af but I spotted pregnant was not on my mind if anything thought she was jus runnin late so then I had terrible back pains so bad I thought I had kidney stones so I only wanted pain pills but as usual they asked wen my last menstral was n it had been exactly a month before I was n the hospital so they tested n it was positive but me being a none believer went n bought a clear blue n took both test n they also were positive but til this day I'm still not a complete believer can't wait for my first u.s. at my 20 w date
  • I got a pregnancy when I didn't get my monthly friend! And I was not using anything! I knew something was diffrent and I got one then 2 seconds later bamb pregnant lol
  • i was really sick for like a week and my mother in law kept tellin me to take a test but i kept holding it off cuz we had been ttc for the last year and nothing..but a fweek or two later i gave in and to our surprise we were finally pregnant again..we had a mc 2 years ago
  • I had cramping the week before af was due. Then the day af was suppossed to be here had cramping but no af. Took a test the next day and got a bfp.
  • I was on treatment since '09 and was happy when o got preggo in 2010 unfortunately i had a mc in march and started ttc right away. I started treatment again and nothing worked so on dec i was like u know what im just gonna enjoy the holidays and in jan 5 my period was late so i took a blood test and it was neg :( but my af still wouldnt show so on the 20s i took a test and got a bfp! :) we are so happy and excited ill be 9 wks tomorrow edd oct 1 :) congrats to all the mommys
  • I had a miscarriage in October of2010 & I hadent got my regular period after the dnc so I waited 6 weeks and still nothing then one day we were in the car and i felt like throwing up and I thought it was from being in the car and the heat ..so I ignored it then I read on the internet that sometimes after a dnc that if the doctor dosent do the surgery rite that he could of left pieces you can feel and get the pregnancy signs so I got scared and took a pg test and it came out postive so I went to the hospital just to double check nothing was left in and nope there wasn't I was preggers !!!!!
  • I was having dizzy spells, extreme fatigue, and a bit of nausea. The morning after I missed my period I took a test before work. It was positive! I took 4 more...all +
  • My bf and I had been ttc for over a year so every month that I was like 2 days late Id take a test. This last time I waited almost 3 weeks to take a test bc the disappoint was getting more difficult. Im now 17 weeks pregnant! :)
  • I was extremely bitchy & always hot & sweaty. Then I would eat cookie dough, milk, oatmeal, chocolate syrup, & ice cream blended up in a blender. I thought it was my period at first until my doctor asked me out of the blue. Than I decided to test.
  • I wasn't having periods for almost a yr and my Dr told me I could get pregnant but it was probably not gonna happen since I wasn't having my period. All I had was a little bit of food adversion and some heartburn so I didn't think anything of it.. but later in my pregnancy I noticed I couldn't suck in my stomach and I had a dream I had a positive test.. took one, I was! When I went for my first ultrasound I was already 19 weeks and they told me it was a girl! I was very lucky to have no morning sickness.. but I am going to tell her when she's older.. a LITTLE sign of her brewing in there would have been nice!
  • I knew when I went out partying, tried to drink, and couldn't do it. Not only did it smell/taste bad, but it didn't feel right. I knew then, and sure enough, 2 days later, 3 bfp.
  • My bf kept track of my cycle ( creepy I know lol.) He kept saying I was late but I was in denial..basically I didn't want him to be better at keeping track of my period. Finally after him nagging for a week I took a test. Was still in denial when it came back positive so took two more. Lol
  • With this baby I had a dream about my mother who had just passed away she came to me and told me she always knew I was gonna be just like her and have five kids ;-)... The dream left me wondering so I took a test and had a very positive yes within1 minute... I Just know my mama is in heaven making all this happen...i love and miss u so much mama my sweet angel
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