edited February 2011 in October 2011
So this morning I had a M/C I was 6w and 3d :/ this is my 2nd mc and I have no children. :_( but me and my fiance are going to wait a couple more years to try again. We are 21 and have plenty of time. It just really sucks and we thought it was it this time..


  • *hugs* stay strong
  • Im so sorry to hear that. I hate to hear when women have losses. Especially multiple ones. I have had one before and that was hard. I hope everything works out for you *hugs*
  • Thank you both. I know it will work one day. So till then I'm going to keep my head up and hope for the best when we start trying again. :)
  • Aww babe :( I'm so sorry. I miscarried over the weekend. Its really hard. I was 8w4d. If you need to talk or vent, please let me know :) xoxo
  • I'm sorry for you as well. I just can't believe this has happened twice now!? It is really hard to take but I'm trying to stay positive and that's all you can really do I guess. My fiance and I said two years in all honesty I don't think I could wait that long we have already been trying for 7 months. But the wedding is coming up soon (june 11) so I guess that I have something to look forward to.
  • I am so sorry, honey. I will keep you in my prayers & send hugs your way. Good luck whenever you're ready. <3
  • I am sorry for your loss. I had a miscarriage in August, at 12 weeks. I am now 6 wks 4 days. Tomorrow I have another ultrasound. I hope that you are finding peace and that things will happen for you! I will definitely be thinking of you!
  • I'm sorry for your loss. I know how that feels. I had 5 m/c b4 I had my first son. Then I had my 2nd son had a bad tubal after that 2 where they had to do emergency surgery to take out my right tube. I then got pregnant with my 3rd son and I am pregnant now and due October 3rd. So I know how it feels to have that happen. I was also told I would never have kids after the 1st 4 m/c but I showed them different so it will happen when it is your time. Jus keep your head high and stay strong I am living proof that miracles happen. Hope all gets better for you. Good luck in the future and sorry again for your loss.
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