Fetal Echo ;/ -Update-

edited July 2011 in Second Trimester
OK, so Friday is the day that I been dreading for like a month now. The doc said he's sending me for a fetal echo to check on the babys heart since at my anatomy scan the 4 chambers of the hearts walls weren't closed all the way. I'm really scared and nervice and I'm praying that my baby just took a little longer then normal to fully develop his heart. I'm 25 w + 1 day, baby is moving fine and everything else is very normal so I'm crossing my fingers everything is fine. The anatomy scan was almost 5 weeks ago so I'm hoping in that time frame he grew out that little problem..has enyone else have had to experience this?

Thank God the doctor said everything was completely normal, my babies heart looked great..i am so happy and relieved that everything is fine I was soo worried. Thanks to everyone that commented and showed support I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Good luck & God bless all of you ladies ! :)


  • I haven't experienced that but I hope everything turns out ok for your little one
  • I hope everything turns out ok. Keep a positive attitude mom.
  • @jcmommy thanks..I'm trying ;)
  • Tomorrows the big day..
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  • I had one yesterday! I stressed and cried for a month, i was told all the things that could go wrong with his heaRt cause he has SUA. He is just fine now, i worried for nothing! But i will keep you in my prayers <3
  • hope everything turns out ok...sending healthy baby dust****
  • Thanks so much ladies today is the day ..9 hours and counting..
  • Good luck hun!!!! I'll keep u in my prayers. Keep us updated
  • I hope everythin is ok for ur lil one
  • edited July 2011
    Never experienced it but I hope u get good news :) good luck
  • I have had two fetal echo and have an appointment for another, lil man won't let them get a good luck. I don't know anyone going though what you are but I hope everything goes good and everything is okay.
  • I have to have a fetal echo with each pregnancy. It is usually always done on pregnant women with diabetes because heart defects are more common with diabetic moms. I have had type 1 diabetes for over 18 years.

    We didn't stress at all with our first, just thinking it was routine for me and everything would be fine. When she was done with the procedure, she told us the news no parent wants to hear "there is a problem with your babies heart." We were in shock when we learned he had a congenital heart defect called AV Canal. this means there is a hole in his heart that means all of the 4 chambers are open to each other. We were basically told that day that it could be fixed after birth through open heart surgery and he had a very large chance of having down syndrome. We had an amnio to be prepared that said he was chromosmally normal and we just educated ourselves as much as we could on his CHD. We had lots of appts with specialists. He was born at 35 weeks and had many other birth defects and was in the nicu for 18 days because of his traumatic birth. He did great when he came home with us and saw the peds cardiologist a lot. They wanted him to gain as much weight and get as big as possible for a better surgical outcome. He was 8 months old when he had open heart surgery at the childrens hospital in los angeles. He was extubated within 24 hours after surgery and out of the CTICU a couple days after. He came home 4 days after surgery and has been doing really well since surgery 6 years ago. He has had lots of other health issues to face since then as well as learning disabilities but he is the sweetest, happiest and most curious little boy.

    My daughter who is 5 is heart healthy and we had our fetal echo about a month ago with this one (I am 26 weeks now) and his heart looks great!

    It is an incredibly nerve wracking, stressful situation. The procedure itself is just an ultrasound where they look at the heart in depth. I am sure everything will be fine but there are lots of resources and support out there if there is a problem. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or just want to vent. I will be thinking about you and your baby today and hoping for the best. Good luck!!
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  • Glad everything is good \:D/
  • Glad all is well!
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