hospital bag

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
I am just over 27 wks. I only have bout 12 left when should my hospital bag be ready? And what do I need in it? X


  • I have a list ill bump it up for you
  • Hi I didnt get your list? x
  • There's sites where you can print out a check list. If you google, you can find it. It's always nice to be prepared, but I should take my own advice. I'm 39wks and haven't packed. Haha
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • I'm due August 30 and will wait to pack my bag next month. I dont want to get too anxious with the bag staring at me. Plus I still need to wash all of babies clothes.
  • Im washing all my baby clothes when I got my drawers for nursery
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