Am I the only one thats going through this??

Ok so like sorry but I have been sooo gassy for the past week or so and I been tired n sleepy, and just now I had a milk shake with strawberries n banana and it had such a weird funny taste. And earlier I felt like a pain on my left upper stomach area around my ribs it felt like a gas stuck or something. Is this normal? I mean I think so but idk help ladiess! Lol


  • I also had cramps the other night but they come n go. And now my legs feel crappyy a lil.
  • Gosh you're lucky. You sound pregnant to me. I wish I had more symptoms. What you have doesn't sound abnormal.
  • Hi all. This is my 4th pregnancy. I also have horrible gass. I just have to laugh at it.
  • @pebblesmommy I think so too but im not gonna test til the second week of march because I had an abortion back in jan 15 for ceratin reasons. But I feel like I am this time around I havent gotten af. feb 8 I went to the docs n the doc told me I was ovulating. I remember the first time when i was pregnant I tested negative on urine not til i did blood work thats when it showwed. So i have a feeling this time again it will happen the same way so im just gonna wait it out
  • @chelsi omg I know right its horrible gasss. Lol yeah u have to laugh it off :)
  • If you feel tired and have pain, you could definately be preggo! I feel soooo exhausted all the time like somebody took my energy away. And yes I have gas to. Your stomach will experience a lot of weird feelings. Good luck!
  • @bbymama17 yea I feel like my energy is taken away from me im sleepy n exhausted and I have problems sleeping at night too. Thank you so much! :) wish u the best on ur pregnancy :) xoxoxox
  • Sharp pain under the ribcage is trapped gas, it will be a while until it's released. Yes gassy, sprite helps me to burp and feel better, good luck.
  • This is my 3rd preg I'm really gassy this time and omg the heartburn
  • @little1cashew yeah thank god now that feeling went away I was so gassy yesterday so I guess I got it all out. Dont get me wrong im still gassy but thank god I got rid of that pain I had :)
  • You too!! Definitely sounds like a baby!! :)
  • Thank you :)!! I hope soo :) I was told if im not pregnant now that I will be by march 1st. So lets see!!!!:). Best of wishes to u all! ;)xoxoxox
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