
edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Cant find a hartbeat at week 11 any reason to be consernd?


  • My dr said its kinda hard to find it at 11 weeks. She found mine but she said sometimes they cant always find them that early
  • Ps with home device.
  • Not trying to be funny, but are you overweight at all? I am very thin so my doc was able to find it at 10 weeks last time. It's harder if there's more tissue for the device to have to go through.
  • I am 11 weeks and the dr was convinced she wouldn't find a heartbeat. She did, but before she did she kept telling me how she probably wouldn't because it's too early and to not get bummed out, she got me convinced we wouldn't hear it! Even she was surprised when she found it.
  • I bought one and it was hard to find it at 18 weeks. Try putting it on the bottom part of ur back. The book that came with mine said thats a good way to find it. But I wouldnt worry if u cant find it this soon..
  • Haha im the father but my girfriend is about 55-60 kg but she coud find it last week but not this week. . . :-S
  • Sometimes u jus have to keep trying. Have to b patient with it. The baby could b n a spot thats blocking u from hearing it. im 21 weeks and its still hard to find mine sometimes
  • Thnx for the advice ladies. . . ;-)
  • I just heard mine today at 15 weeks 2 days! I almost cried it was so amazing to hear and crazy to think I'm carrying another life with a beating right inside of me!
  • Beating heart
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