36 weeks?

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
Do you get another blood test at 36 weeks and if so what for?


  • I got another blood test at 28 weeks...but I'm only 33+6 weeks so I can't help ya with that...
  • Oh and that blood test was just making sure the #'s were still the same as the first blood test, as well as checking the results of my glucose test.
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  • I don't get any more blood test. I havnt after 20w well to see if I was anemic,that's it.
  • No the only other test is for Strep Group B and that is just a swab down there.
  • i had an iron test but that was a finger prick
  • I did. They did a second hiv screening. My 1st came out fine, but the "new" thing to do they explained is do another one after 35 weeks, bc if you had been exposed to do it during your preg or right before they want to catch it in time so they cld give babies med.
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