2.5 yo who can't talk yet?

edited July 2011 in Parenting
My nephew is 2 and a half (3 in January) and he still can't really talk yet. =/ My sister has a hard time talking to him at all because she feels like he can't understand her. He can say simple things like "joos" (juice), "baby", "fuuu" (food), "lah oo" (love you), and some of his abc's when you say them one at a time, and he can point to the different features of his face/body when you ask him "where is your nose/eyes/mouth/toes/elbow/ears/hair/chin?". I know that the best way to increase his comprehension is by talking to him, but my sister's a little too narcissistic to do that, honestly. I'm not around enough to talk to him all the time to help him, but I'm afraid of him being too far behind. =( I know that all children are different, and that he'll get it eventually, but it's hard to sit back and watch him fall behind when my daughter's cousin was 3 and speaking in full understanding conversations. I know I shouldn't compare, but I feel like something needs to be done. :(


  • Talk to him as much as u can and sing the alphabet with him
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  • Even when you talk to him, he doesn't really even make the babbling stuff much. He nods, screams, and whispers nonsense, but he won't do the outright "do da bla mar fah" stuff. You know, the syllable pronunciation thing that helps them form letter sounds? A lot of it, I think, is that my sister gets on to him so much when he's being loud, so he'll only do the whispers when he feels like talking. The screams when he wants attention. But it's like he doesn't even want to try to talk, you know?
  • My step daughter is almost 3 1/2 and she has (maybe) a 15 word vocabulary. Her mother had cervical cancer when she was pregnant with her. Took her to speech therapy and it was a waist of time. They said there was nothing wrong. That she was just "lazy". When you try to encourage her to talk she looks at me like I am speeking a different language.
  • Not to sound rude but has sfe got him checked for autisum? (Sp?) Cuz i have a 3 yr old that speaks sentences,abcs,colors..i mean she knows everything. autisum runs on her dads side so i monitored her very well n thank god she doesnt have it..
  • Speech problems can be from recurring ear infections. Have his ears checked by an audiologist and get him the help he needs! I am going through this with my 2.5 y.o. - he will be 3 in Oct.
  • @LaFiiTz89 No, I'm not sure if that's even crossed her mind, honestly. She keeps saying it's cuz she doesn't talk to him. But he watches a lot of movies. Wouldn't he pick up speech from there, too? I know human speaking is more helpful to him for communication, but one would think that he'd pick it up from those other sources.

    Oh, he also knows "where pawpaw/nana/mama?" And he can say "daddy". And he understands when you tell him to go get something or to go "nigh nigh".... I don't know. I think his momma is scaring him into submission for a lot of things too much. If he doesn't go to bed, she marches him into his room and tries to get him to lay down. Her version of the "mommy voice" (what's supposed to be a strong, commanding voice that's not mean nor much louder than the average speaking voice) is a loud yell that can be heard outside. Could that keep him from speaking?
  • @ria_mom2bof4 His ears are fine... she at least takes him to his checkups like she's supposed to. most of the time, at least. But he's never had a problem with his ears. He had what the dr called a "super bug" when he was an infant (constant runny nose, sore throat, off and on fever for several months... I don't think he got rid of it til he was nearly a year and a half old).
  • Actually i dont have much time to sit with my daughter so i make sure she watches tv everyday like mickey n the disney learning shows and she picked up soo much from that. I started that when she was 2 n she knows stuff im like wtf where did she get that from?? But also i got her a lil barbie laptop that she learned shapes and colors litterly all by herself. He should be picking up from tv for sure a d from everyone else..id get him checked out.
  • I had to learn NOT to compare. My daughter was speaking sentences at 2. My son didn't speak until he was 3! I was scared something was wrong. But he understood me and my husband and even his sister completely. And the doctor wasn't too concerned. I'm due next month with my 3rd so I know not to compare children. They will talk when they are ready:)
  • My daughter is the exact same way she had so many ear infections a year ago she got tubes and she still is the same I talked to a specialist about it she scored high enough in the spectrum that they want to evaluate her....... She is highly functional so they was talking about asperger syndrome a highly functional form of autusim she also does certain things repetivtly like spinning so much she makes herself sick and she still does it even after she also scratches walls to fall asleep
  • all kids are different my daughter didn't start talking till after she turned two.. my son was already saying sentences by the time he turned 2. i was worried with my daughter and what i did was i bought those baby einstein dvds..the whole set and it really helped. she started talking soon after that.. idk if it had anything to do with it tho. my son is younger and i used the baby einstein with him since he was a couple months old and was talking really early.
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