2.5 yo who can't talk yet?
My nephew is 2 and a half (3 in January) and he still can't really talk yet. =/ My sister has a hard time talking to him at all because she feels like he can't understand her. He can say simple things like "joos" (juice), "baby", "fuuu" (food), "lah oo" (love you), and some of his abc's when you say them one at a time, and he can point to the different features of his face/body when you ask him "where is your nose/eyes/mouth/toes/elbow/ears/hair/chin?". I know that the best way to increase his comprehension is by talking to him, but my sister's a little too narcissistic to do that, honestly. I'm not around enough to talk to him all the time to help him, but I'm afraid of him being too far behind. =( I know that all children are different, and that he'll get it eventually, but it's hard to sit back and watch him fall behind when my daughter's cousin was 3 and speaking in full understanding conversations. I know I shouldn't compare, but I feel like something needs to be done.
Oh, he also knows "where pawpaw/nana/mama?" And he can say "daddy". And he understands when you tell him to go get something or to go "nigh nigh".... I don't know. I think his momma is scaring him into submission for a lot of things too much. If he doesn't go to bed, she marches him into his room and tries to get him to lay down. Her version of the "mommy voice" (what's supposed to be a strong, commanding voice that's not mean nor much louder than the average speaking voice) is a loud yell that can be heard outside. Could that keep him from speaking?