Where's the milk?

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I would love to know when everyone started to get milk in? I have 6 weeks to go before my due dute and my breasts are not swelling even. Anyone having similiar experience? Or any insight would be great. Thank you.


  • Milk usually doesn't come in until you have had the baby.sometimes some will get colostrum leaking..pre milk before the baby...but everyone is different. I was leaking colostrum a lil now and then with first pregnancy about where you are at but was leaking like crazy during and after labor. Colostrum will then turn into milk. On other hand started getting colostrum super early with second pregnancy and nothing so far with this one.every pregnancy is different.just relax and it will take care of itself...good luck!
  • A few days after you have the baby.
  • I got mine the day after I was home from the hospital but befor that nothing
  • I had colustrum at four months with both my boys and my milk came in shortly after delivery of them.
  • Thank you for the info girls. My mom did not produce milk so I thought maybe since my breasts were not even getting bigger maybe I woukd be the same (
  • I'm having my 5th baby and i nursed all 4 of my other babies. My 1st baby i had leaky breast when i was 7 months pregnant, but didn't have that with any of my other babies. Also your milk usually comes in 3-5 days after baby is born. The more you nurse your baby the more your body will produce milk. Colostrum is your premilk. It has all the nutrients & antibodies your baby needs. While in the hospital take full advantage of the lactation consultant, ask her questions & get help if you need it on latching your baby on right. All babies are different & remember breastfeeding is something baby has to learn. So be patient & get help if you need it.
  • Thank you Melinda. I am excited by the lactation training at the hospital, I willbtake full advantage.
  • I have 4 weeks left t go and I have the same thing happing my breasts haven't grown at all their just like jelly nd they don't ache or anything, I have brought breast pads and wear them just in case but nothing so far but I am not complaining :-) xx
  • Yeah me neither girl!
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