Breech baby

edited July 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm 30w and just had an ultrasound, my baby is breech with his feet above his head. I've never heard of this position and to me it seems it would be hard for him to get out of. I know there are tricks to make him move, cold peas on top your stomach music on bottom ect.
So my question is, has any of you had this and also what ways worked to flip your breech baby?


  • I have seen some posts saying how they are going to go through a risky process that the doctor manually turns the baby, but i am not sure what is called or the so called risks :( sorry im not much help, i hope you find someone who knows more on the subject
  • I think they can try to manually turn baby at a later date but it looks painful (only seen this on one born every minute UK and she was 37 weeks) I'm not 100% sure
  • I believe it's called an external version. i have never had the issue nor do i know how to help it....sorry
  • @suvivormommie3 @samiuk @janet_2011 thanks for answering my post! Sounds like I should do some googleing! I'm just really nervous what I'll find! Was just hoping someone on here had gone through this! Thanks again!
  • At 30 weeks you still have time for baby to turn. I havent gone through this myself but even at 33 weeks Im still being told that if baby is breech there is time for him to turn.
  • I just had an external version this past Tuesday and it was a success. The risks are bleeding, water breaking, placenta becoming detached from the uterus, and baby becoming stressed and a possible emergency c-section needing to be performed. They monitored the baby before and during the procedure. It was not painful. I only felt lots of pressure. The chances of these risks are said to be very low, and I was a good candidate for it because this is my 3rd pregnancy and my previous babies were born vaginally. I tried some exercises to turn the baby on my own, but I think he was too big to turn without help. I was 37+2 when they turned him. As of yesterday, he was still head down (yay)!
  • You still have plenty of time for baby to turn. My lo was breech at my 30 w us and at my 32 w us he was head down.
  • @mom2be thanks I really hope he does, they are doing another ultra sound in two weeks to check for change!
    @mya218 as scary as the risk sounds I'm glad to hear a positive story! And congrats on your baby being right side down!
  • @tlj2011 I hope so they are doing another u/s in two weeks to check. Did you do anything or did baby flip on his own?
  • I am 36 weeks and my son is still breech. I have tried almost everything. Acupuncture{sp?} Is the only thing not tried. My doctor hasn't even brought up an external version. Just straight with talks of a c-section. I have one more week to make him flip. I hope yours flips for you!
  • Nope he did it on his own. My oldest son was the same way. He was breech all the way until the day I delivered. He was small though so he had plenty of room to turn. Its the bigger babies that won't turn after so long. My oldest daughter went head down early and stayed down because she was big. She didn't have the room to turn again.
  • my son was breach till like 34wks.. he turned on his own.. you can try nightly massage .. irritate the baby out of the position.. lol.. and he ended bein 9lbs so i dont think size it too much of a big deal.. i was scared and my dr told me there was plenty of time for him to turn.. and there was.. try not to worry to much till it comes down to the wire.. good luck..
  • @frogingrovin hope your baby turns soon!
    @tlj2011 kool thanks for your help!
    @lae3 thanks I'll try not to stress!
  • Yeah my baby is breeched and I am 30 wks dr said not to worry baby still has plenty of time and they still move alot at this time but you could play music in the lower part of ur belly baby tends to move the head to wear music is also put frozen veggies or something cold on the top of ur belly heard they don't like cold to much
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