June babies? Hows ur pregnancy going so far!



  • I have two girls one boy!
  • I'm due june 6th, having a girl :) Cheyenne Adalee :) sooo excited. I've gained 6 pounds in 6 weeks :) doing good though :)
  • Im due June 24th who's with me?
  • Hello there. This is my first pregnancy I'm due June 1st and my 21st birthday is the 13th but I look forward to spending it with my new family. Me and my boyfriend of 4 yrs are expecting twin boys. Thinking of the names Jace and kaden.
    The pregnancy itself is horrible though I'm huge and possibly going on bed rest because of my small frame and huge belly. I'm still sick and Moody. I Wish there was a cure for it
  • Baby is moving so much. I like a trampoline!!! Only time this little one settles is when daddy rubs my tummy.
  • My husband and I are expecting our first child June 6,2011 and were happier then ever took us a year working with a fertility doctor to get here. Found out yesterday were having a boy he moves around a lot! No morning sickness at all and I lost 20lbs so far but doctor said that's fine cause I already have back problems as it is without being pregnant
  • Hi everyone!!! I'm due 6-15 with second child I have a 3year old boy and hoping for a girl!!! I find out on the 28th 1week away. I have been so sick this time around and hard to eat meat and I miss it so much.
  • edited January 2011
    You guys are so lucky to already know what your having! This is my first baby and we wont be able to find out until next month so its killing me to know although we've already picked out names for both!
  • DD 6/2/11- just found out its a girl, she moves alot. And I felt her at 16 wks. I have gained 15 lbs which equals about 12" in my waist. As far as size goes she is 2 days ahead of schedual right now.
  • Due June 20th with baby number 2 ..I have a 16 month old lil boy named Nathaniel Ray ...we just found out we are having a little girl this time...we plan on naming her Riley Ann
  • Found out yesterday that my june 9th baby is a girl!! Welcoming a miss brooklyn rose!!
  • Congrats ladies! I'm due 6/17 and am having a boy. Been feeling the little guy since the beginning of the month, along with nasal congestion/nose bleeds, having to pee every couple hours - still! Can't agree on a name yet. :(
  • Hello other mommys due in june. We r due june 27th. This is baby number 4 and the last one. We have three beautiful girls 7,5,and 18months and to our surprise we r haven a boy!!! My husband was so excited when we found out he ran out of the room called his parents then told everyone he could find. This pregnancey started off very ruff but is getting better thank goodness :)
  • Due June 7th with my first! It has been such an easy pregnancy so far and I haven't been sick at all. We go for our 21 week ultrasound next week, but have decided not to find out the sex. I've been feeling movement for the past few weeks
  • I'm due june 14th with a boy :) haven't felt much movement though...
  • Im due june 3 first pregnancy having a lil girl :)
  • Finally felt the baby move! Im 17 weeks and 5 days today. Still not showing a bit :( but I did feel the baby move yesterday. Trippy! Finding out the sex the end of Feb at 22 weeks. Fingers crossed for blue
  • Due june 6th! Second baby, third pregnancy. We find out on the 31st what we are having. I will be 22 weeks then! Getting excited. We have one girl, I think this one is another girl, which is great! Either way we will be very excited! Barley any morning sickness with either pregnancy, felt baby move at 14 weeks
  • I'm 26 weeks pregnant with my 4th child I have two boys and 1 girl....yayyyy Im pregnant with another girl due date is may 1st 2011
  • Now 22 weeks :) feel her tumble around every once in awhile :) ganna be a girl :) this is my 1st so I'm really excited! :) I'm doing monkeys and flowers in her room :)
  • I have a 6yo boy and am 17.2 weeks...w /#2....excited and nervous due June 30th...Hoping for a girl but a ill b happy either way!
  • I'm seriously cramped up. Every time i move something is getting stretched. But, my little girl woke me up with her kicks last night. That movement is so worth it.
  • Ill find out Monday 31. Im not picky!! Im due June 28.. I wanted twins!! But only can hear one heart beat.... lol i know im crazyyy
  • Im having a lil princess june 8th n very excited. 2nd child n she is sending me threw the ringer I spit every 5 seconds, n she is such a lil busy body D but its all worth it n the end.
  • So neat to hear from other moms due in june and what they r going thru! Congrats June mommy's!!
  • Im due june 3rd..i found out im havin a baby girl..she moves a whole lot..im excited
  • Im due june 22 with my fourth super excited! (*)
  • Due 7th June to a little boy. Since 18 weeks he has had me up at 4 am or around 4 with pains. Shooting pains are really not what I want at 4 am in the morning, I'm exhausted all day every day and if I walk for more than 5 or so mins I endure the same pains. I must have one active baby ha ha
  • Junemommy we have the same due date!! :) count yourself lucky having no sickness. I had night sickness all way through my 1st trimester, calming down a lot now which is great. I seem to have most of symptoms at night time. This is also my first pregnancy and I must say I'm very excited!! Good luck with everything! :)
  • 2 more weeks til i find out what we are having, we want a boy really bad but will be happy either way i already have a daughter tht is 2 but glad we can all share experiences im due 6-29 and havent felt a whole lot of anything.... hoping tht changes soon
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