
edited January 2011 in September 2011
If we saw the babies heart beating but could not get a reading or hear it does that mean I will probably have a miscarriage?


  • no just means u couldn't get a clear reading id worry if there was no heart beat at all
  • Its not stronge enough to be heard yet as it strengthens in the next few weeks you'll hear it
  • Hey grls I'm currently 6wks and 6days and went for my first ultrasound today....they were able to show me the baby and the beating heart by doing a transvaginal ultrasound...the babys heartrate was 140...I heard that supposedly if the heartbeat is over 160 its a grl and under then its a boy? Has anyone heard this befor? If so I guess I'm havin a boy....
  • Its just a theory don't go buying blue yet. Just another fun way to guess.
    bwhite it just means u need to wait a little longer to be able to hear it.
  • Yeah, mine looks like it has a winkie its legs were wide open and I'm only 4 months but that was all of the doctors guesses. My babys heart rate was 159
  • I have always thought that but it was way off on my first daughter and my son was always above 150 im pregnant now with a girl and its normally in the 120 range. I get it checked every 2 weeks with my ultrasounds and it has only been 150+ once.
  • No that doesn't mean automatic miscarriage. At least you saw it already. Remember it's so tiny right now! Give it another week or two and you might hear it then. And yes I've heard the old wives tales about heartrate telling the gender. It was wrong for me!
  • @harmony, i went to my dr yest... We heard baby girl heartbeat it was 154.. and what u heard is a myth....
  • @mscheyla have you found out gender yet for sure? My baby's heart beat was at 158 and were hoping for a boy...
    As long as the baby is healthy were happy but we want a boy :)
  • my baby had a heartrate of 157 last time i was in and its a girl. =)
  • My babies heart beat has been in the high 160s its even gotten up to 170. An im having a baby boy
  • When i went for my first ultrasound i was only like 8 or 9 weeks and my little lime's heart beat was 171! Is that normal for being only 8 or 9 weeks? I am now 11w and 4d and Im due sept 9th im very excited!
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