due in january looking for a due date buddye



  • @mommyhanny how has yours been how are you feeling??
  • I hope your not sick either @mommyhanny i think ill find out the start of october what im having. my dr says I can pay for a ultrasound not covered my medicade at like 18 weeks to find out gender but i think ill just save my money and wait the 2 more weeks to find out cause it could be to early at 18wks
  • My next app is the 20th :) I have been nothing but miserable. I hate to complain I'm so excited that I'm prego. But the nausua vomiting headaches are awful. Seems I cant even keep food down. I haven't even been able to go to work. Are you a ftm? @agoodloe
  • edited July 2011
    @feb2012mommy Thanks. Hmmm I haven't heard about an ultrasound that you can pay for id probably just wait the 2 weeks anyway.
  • yeah my dr told me about the other ultra sound cause im on medicade and it only covers like 4 of them so if i want more i have to pay like 70-80 bucks for it... I had an appointment on tuesday and my next appointment it the 9th of aug so i have a month...
  • @mommyhanny no not a ftm this will be baby #3 my husband and I have a 4 year old and a 17 month old and the last and final on the way. I am sorry your feeling so bad did they give you any zophran for nausea that's the only thing that saved me with all three
  • @agoodloe Awww well congrats! Thanks is has been suckie: ( but once I meet my baby I know it will be all worth it. Yes they gave me zophran and this other one I cant remember the name. They helped a little but not much. I feel like the drs don't think its a big deal but I'm worried I'm not getting any nutrients. Everytime I eat it comes back up the dr told/me not to worry jus drink plenty of water. So do u think the babys ok?
  • edited July 2011
    @mommyhanny Oh yes I think the baby is fine with my first I was that way they didn't give me anything for nausea until I was almost 7 months I didn't gain a pound until that 7th month. Just eat what you can when you can but mainly just stayed hydrated with water
  • @agoodloe ok thanks that makes me feel better. I drink tons of water I was just worried I've been loosing weight too
  • @mommyhanny I was having some bleeding issues at first and they put me on restrictions but now I'm doing fine just hoping and praying for a little boy I already have a little girl. How about yourself?
  • edited July 2011
    I'm due Jan 12th
  • @3_timer how far along were you when you had the bleeding? This is me and hubbys first and I honestly don't care what we have as long as he/she is healthy
  • @romeike89 how's your pregnancy been so far? Are you a ftm
  • Hi I'm due Jan 9th, I'm a ftm and super excited! I was pretty nauseous and sick the first trimester but I'm feeling so much better now. I've just been having crazy back pain, I'm a hair stylist and stand on my feet for 9hrs a day at work and it's killing me. But I need a due date buddy too, so hit me up anytime you wanna talk:-)
  • Seven and nine weeks but it was because I was overworking myself but I have not had any problems since then.@mommyhanny
  • Im just about 15 weeks (: ive had a lot if nausea ive only thrown up once. so not too bad lol wbu?
  • @audra oh awesome! We shall be buddys! :) I'm super excited too! Just wish I felt better! So how many weeks are you? And thanks you do the same anytime you wanna talk:)
  • @3_timer well that's good that your doing fine now
  • @MyLittleBlessing your lucky! I've been nothing but miserable :( I basically cant keep any food down. I haven't even been to work in awhile it's been so bad. I'm just hoping it will pass
  • I'm sure it will pass. Hopefully within the next couple weeks! (:
  • edited July 2011
    @MyLittleBlessing Yes that's what I'm hoping and praying for:)
  • Other then morning sickness have you felt ok. One thing that helped me not feel sick was taking my prenatal vitamin at night. @mommyhanny
  • Ya I've had some bad headaches too. Yes that's what I do too I've noticed they make me more nauseated if I don't @3_timer
  • @mommyhanny its been ok, yeah im a ftm. U?
  • @romeike89 yes me and Hubby are both ftp: )
  • @mommyhanny same here. How old r u? Where ya from?
  • You should try.and drink a lot of water when your head starts to hurt it always helps me @mommyhanny
  • @romeike89 I'm 21 gering nebraska and you?
  • @3_timer thanks lol. I drink loads of water that's all I drink. So where are you from?
  • @mommyhanny I'm 21 also. From tri-cities, Washington
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