the start to a painful process=(

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
So as many of you may know from my previous post I am having a ton of issues with breastfeeding. So I am drying up my breastmilk. Any suggestions on how to make it less painful. It hasn't been a full day and it already is killing me.=(

Please no judgment.


  • Put cabbage leaves on your breasts if they're feeling engorged.
  • Thanks girl. I will definatly be trying all of that. I tried at least I did for three weeks. We both had so many issues I just hope this doesn't make my mastitis worse.
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  • When I had my daughter 2 years ago my brest stopped working on our second day at the hospital:/

    If you have like a ace wrap. Wrap it as tight as you can and tie lots of hot water helped me alot hope for you also!
  • I used ice packs and the tightest maternity bra I owned. Ibuprophen's and turning my back when I shower. It's been 13days post partum and my breasts are back to normal. I do have a few milk duct lumps, that are tender if I touch em.
  • Thanks girl. I will definatly be trying all of that. I tried at least I did for three weeks. We both had so many issues I just hope this doesn't make my mastitis worse.
  • The cabbage leaves really worked for me. N turning my back to the shower n ice packs but cabbage gave me the most relief
  • Are you wanting to keep breast feeding? Bc if you are there is a tea called mothers milk tea. You could always pump and freeze. This tea is amazingly crazy! It works!!!
  • @momofSOONtobe7 it not that I don't have enough milk. I have plenty lol I just can't take the pain anymore between the thrush the mastitis and my daughter constantly spitting up. Its became to much for me to handle.=(
  • It's ok! At least you tried! You lasted about 2 weeks and 5 days longer than me, lol! The other ladies are right about ice packs and wrapping your breasts tight. Heat causes you to leak, which feels amazing, but prolongs the process, so don't give in, lol! It took twoish weeks for mine to feel normal.
  • The pain is starting to get unbearable. I might need to pump and relieve them:( this is going to be a long process.
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