what do i do????

edited July 2011 in Parenting
I'm a new mom I been with my so for 3 years and we have a 4week old baby boy.but my so is amazing and is the best dad ever but he won't allow me to have a fb page when he has 1.I don't get it he threatened to leave me and slap me if,I made 1.is this a reason to break up with him? Will I be choosing fb over him? I just want to stay in contact with my old friends I just graduated.wht would u do? don't judge me I love him


  • Slap u?? Oh heck no! He has no right to threaten u! it's a cause of concern that he would say this over FB!
  • I think he just has insecurity issues and is controlling. I would personally, ask him why he would be so against me having one and reassure him, its just to keep in contact with family and update them on how smart and healthy the baby is.
  • @ Jaime 77 I have no clue y he doesn't want me to have 1? He says I'm being Facebook thirsty n if I make a page I'm choosing fb over him. I want to leave him
  • Well if hes so against you having a fb then you should get to use his. Also recognize this as the potential start of very bad things to come
  • @jcmommy I told him that he just tells me no I can't have one I should make one anyway because I'm a grown woman
  • @beaded _bunny I recently had counseling and they told me the exact SAME THING! ! you're right
  • wow.. are you sure hes not hiding something from you on his own.. thats just weird.. i would tell him that if you cant have one he cant either.. and i would also tell him that your going to do it anyways.. i would.. and then i would freind request him.. thats just weird and controlling and if you allow it now he will only get worse ... seriously..
  • I know its just a fb but why do I have to be told what to do I'm ready to take control of my life back
  • @Lae3 I'm going to do it tonight.
    I'm just afraid to get abused
  • if he does anything you need to call the cops and they will take him away.. for the night.. has he ever abused you physicaly? cause if so you should think twice about being with him and try to figure out a new situation for you and your lil guy.. cause a happy mommy is a happy baby.. its true.. i know from experience
  • @lae3 he has abused me mabey 10 times throughout my pregnancy and no one knows I hide it from my family and friends
  • You need to leave. Sorry, love.
  • @blueberrysmom I know I need to leave its just hard
  • I understand. The threats and the abuse sound really scary. You'll be in my prayers! And here's a hug! >:D<
  • Wow you dont have fam or frienda were u can stay.. Thats scary.. I dont want him to hurt u or the bany.. U need to talk to a fam memner or freimd that wpuld be willing to take u in.. thats dangerouges amd the longer u stay the harder it becomes
  • Please don't let it go on any longer. What if he does that in front of your baby? You don't want your baby to grow up with that. Abuse is not love.
  • If he has already abused u. It's time to leave. Don't make him mad by creating a fb. Leave him then make one. U don't want ur baby in that situation either.
  • I wouldn't worry about a FB right now. Leave him and get somewhere safe for you and your baby. Then you can have a fb and whatever else you want.
  • all of these ladies are right.. you really need to see what you can do.. anything is better than being with an abuser.. no one deserves that treatment
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