Never have to help clean up dishes and table after bug family get togethers! MIL always say, you Just go put your feet up and relax! Like taking my dishes to the sink will send me into labor lol. Enjoy it while i can!
if i am completely sick to my stomach i get to lay down without hubby getting upset or the kids flying off the handle. i, too, am getting lots of laundry done the house is clean most of the time
@prengnantELF hahahaha that's what I tell people my favorite thing is too! Everywhere I go people feed me like I'm a zoo animal.... And I don't hate it (:
I also like that my boyfriend spoils me and makes me food and rubs my feet and loves on my belly.... I'm going to miss that
@surprisebaby! That is my favorite part too! Who could ever miss that?! I think one if the best things is being able to feel the baby move in your belly.... Nothing like it. Oh and the fact that I have a reason to do nothing if I don't want to! Lol
I'm high risk so family is doing my nursery painting and all while I eat & watch tv. And when I get to go out I get to be pushed around in a wheel chair!
Mom's finally stopped getting onto me about my weird sleeping habits. The only chores I'm expected to do anymore are the occasional dishes, and picking up my bed in the mornings off the couch. xD lol. ^^; Oh, and I'm not being hounded non-stop about getting a job because I've only got 7w4d left. ^_^
Not having to get ice, do trash, or work long shifts at work Everyone (except my boyfriend ) feeding me what I want when I want! I want fruit...ok let me cut you some cantaloupes ...ok! People always apologizing and moving out of my way in stores and malls and stuff. I'm used to rude people lol. Being very well hydrated. My family on my dads side...we have difficulty staying hydrated properly. But for some reason I hold liquids well now, so I never have chapped lips or dry skin. Yayyyy! Biggest parents not bitching at me when I sleep in from a late shift at work. I'm a Server and sometimes don't get off until 1, 2am... used to be when I slept in they thought I HAD to be up because I was out partying or idk, so they'd have no shame waking me up at 6 or 7am. Now they whisper and don't bother me lol
@surprisebaby@crazycat79 my sister in law pointed that out to me the other day haha said God didn't force us to have our periods while we were pregnant bcuz there is no way we would be able to manage taking care of down there on top of our big fat bellies!! Haha valid point!
- no period! - on the train or bus I am always offered a seat - eat when I want - swimming and not having to suck in - not having to shave cause I get tired - all the sleep I want, literally. - no sex & having a reason - too uncomfy for my vag!
i, too, am getting lots of laundry done
the house is clean most of the time
I also like that my boyfriend spoils me and makes me food and rubs my feet and loves on my belly.... I'm going to miss that
I think one if the best things is being able to feel the baby move in your belly.... Nothing like it. Oh and the fact that I have a reason to do nothing if I don't want to! Lol
Everyone (except my boyfriend
People always apologizing and moving out of my way in stores and malls and stuff. I'm used to rude people lol.
Being very well hydrated. My family on my dads side...we have difficulty staying hydrated properly. But for some reason I hold liquids well now, so I never have chapped lips or dry skin. Yayyyy!
Biggest parents not bitching at me when I sleep in from a late shift at work. I'm a Server and sometimes don't get off until 1, 2am... used to be when I slept in they thought I HAD to be up because I was out partying or idk, so they'd have no shame waking me up at 6 or 7am. Now they whisper and don't bother me lol
- on the train or bus I am always offered a seat
- eat when I want
- swimming and not having to suck in
- not having to shave cause I get tired
- all the sleep I want, literally.
- no sex & having a reason - too uncomfy for my vag!