im 17. how to break the news...

edited February 2011 in Teen moms
My mom will support me but she will be upset to find out I'm pregnant. I just want to tell her already. How did you other teen moms break the news?


  • Well actually my gma who is practically my mom told me! Lol but just be straight forward with her. She will be upset with you but in the long run as long as you take care of your baby finish school and make a career good enough to be able to maintain u n ur baby your mom will be very proud n you wont be just another teenage mom. :) been ther before. Goodluck
  • I was in that position myself except I was 16. I sat down and told my mom about it. She was upset with me but the further along I got the more excited she got. Just tell her the truth your her baby and she will support you good luck let me know how it goes
  • I was 16 when got pregnant and took me 6 months to have the courage to tell my mum and when I did tell her she was upset but when she went shopping to help buy all lil bits she was as excited as I was :) gd luck and just try not to get upset when u tell her as that makes them feel your upset about it aswell fingers crossed and keep us updated :) and being a teen mum isent the end of everything I carried on with work and collage to complete my 4 years and get my qualifications etc so it can be done xxxxx
  • I'm already out of high school and I will go on to college. I think I'm gonna tell her today. Cause this is stressing me out. I will love and take care of my baby no matter what
  • I was 15 when I had no choice but to tell my mom. I think my dad was more upset then my mom but they both were very supportive of me!!! A mother is a mother and will always love you unconditional. Happy to hear your out of school good for you girl!! Keep your head up. I know the feeling of stressing out. Im 10 weeks 4 days and still haven't told my husband but my oldest daughter, mom, Gma and other people know. I have four now and expecting my fifth. Kids are miracles to this world. the first trimester you really want to take care of your self and keep your stress level down. Just be honest that's all you can do. Don't ever consider the baby a mistake. Kids are gifts from God and God always gives you things for a reason. Don't think om preaching bc im not. I just know that God wont give you more then you can handle! I was pronounced dead for 20 mins. And I was told I had a purpose on this earth and I think it was to be a mommy!!! Every time I've avoided getting pregnant or been on an IUD I've still gotten pregnant. But this time im done lol no more for me after this. Good luck and always remember your love from your mom and for your child is unconditional!!!!!
  • I wasn't a teen mom, but i think in this situation it's best just to have a heart to heart. maybe showing her that you've done a lot of thinking and research about your situation will help?!?! it will show her that you are already maturing... GOOD LUCK!!
  • Thanks a lot for all of the advice. Im gonna tell her when she gets home. And I really have done all I can to learn about pregnancy. I don't wanna be one of those moms who everyone else takes care of their child. It will be me and my boyfriend doing it together
  • I'm 19, been living on my own for 2 years, and I just got married in October, so my situation is different, but I told my family a week after I found out. My mom was the second family member I told and at first she was really quiet, but when my grandma called, she squealed, "your mom told me! We're so excited!" My dad is super excited too, but I expected that cuz he absolutely loves babies.
    Just be honest and tell her you want to keep it and do what's best. Good luck to you! I hope she's like the stepmom in Juno and gets you on prenatal vitamins and to the doctor.
  • And thank you @momofsoontobe7. I always wanted children and even if it has to happen now, I'm okay with it. Your advice really has helped me and I think this baby will really mature me. I had to grow up quick anyways but there is still a lot to learn. And I will always appreciate The fact that I'm able to have children even if its right now. Thanks alot
  • @victoriab, me and my mom aren't very close but ill be moving out soon anyways. But she will take me to the doctor and everything, its just hard to tell her. But I'm going to because I want to make sure my baby is healthy and getting everything it needs. Thanks a lot
  • I sat down with my mommy and our close family friend to say I thought I was mom understood and always been mommy wasn't mad only because she was the one who put me on the depo shot... being open and honest is the best way to start off
  • It's just terrifying.. I'm so discouraged every time I try to bring it up
  • Im 17, 16wks preggo and i didnt have to tell my mom, she figured it out and just asked me one day and this was around when i was 9 weeks, i just broke down in tears. I still dont think she's happy about it but has accepted it, after all there is nothing we can do, abortion was out of the question
  • Hi , I was 16 went I was had my baby boy , I didn't say nothing to my family until I was 8 months, during that time I didn't went to the doctor or took any prenatal vitimins .. I am so blessing that my son born really healthy.. I think u should tell u mom asap because this is not about u anymore it is about u baby, u need to start taking care of him/she.. U need to see the doc and be sure thatu baby is ok... Ur family will love u baby
  • It doesn't get easier as u get older. I was 23 when we found out i was pregnant and terrified of telling my parents as our situation was not ideal. 27 now and 3 weeks ago told them I'm pregnant with no 2. Still terrified me. I got taught a phrase at a course for work, it's: EAT THAT FROG. Basically if u knew u had to eat a frog and do 4 other things that day u'd most likely eat the frog 5th. But spend all day worrying and stressing about it. EAT THAT FROG means get it done first, with no stress and worry and it wont be as bad as u think. Hope that helps x
  • I was 14 when I got pregnant and I dint know how to explain it to anyone. I always had a good relationship with my mom so the day I found out I couldn't hide it from her I sat down and told her I was sorry for what I did and that I was pregnant at first she was sad and stared crying but a couple days later she scheduled my app and was sooo supportive my whole family was now they love her to death :) now I'm finally pregnant with my second after 7 years later
  • When I was 16 I got pregnant. My mom always wanted grand kids so I planned my daughter. When I thought I was I told her. She was disappointed that I didn't wait but since I was pregnant we went out and went shopping. Best thing I did was get pregnant. Your mom will maybe be a little upset at first but give her time. The longer you wait the more hurt she will be that you couldn't tell her sooner. My daughter is now 11 and if she became pregnant at 16 I would want to know
  • The only reason youre mom is going to be mad or sad is because shes going to blame herself for not being able to protect you. Moms will always have that mysterious way of expressing themselves. Im on my first due march 11th found out a month before my 18th birthday. It was wierd because for the whole time I didnt know whoch was only like 6 wks my mom asked almost everyday if I was pregnant. Id be like no mom.. Then I found out and I was extremely nervous about tellin her. I thought she would think I had been lying to her the whole time. Well she kept asking and finally after another week I cooked up the courage to tell her and we cried together. She suggested abortion I said no. she never pressured me in to anything (except breastfeeding I absolutly HAVE to breastfeed lol) and I could tell she was disappointed. But now shes more excited than anything she talks to my belly and shell be a first time grandma... Lol trust me after u guys get over the talking about it and making it known shell be excited for u. Dont get mad at her if she gets mad tho just keep ur cool.. And remember regardless ur mom will always love you.
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