head down or not?

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
If the dr doesn't do a late 3rd trial u/s, how does he know whether baby is turned or not? This may be a dumb question but I'm not sure of the answer. A friend of mine birthed a breech baby vaginally and that scares me that her dr didn't know!


  • When I was in labor my doctor checked me and could feel his feet.
  • They say if you feel most of the kicks on the top of ur stomach and little movement down below that they should be head down.
  • idk sweetie. i have wondered the same thing. this is my third and i have never been so paranoid before. but i am pretty sure she is head down- i feel pressure and very little movement around my pelvis/hips and i feel little toes in my ribs. lol.
  • My dr felt from the outside of my stomach and could feel his head. Its not comfortable but she definately could feel everything!
  • I don't feel very many kicks, mostly rolls and they are all where my abdomen used to be. Sometimes I feel some in the middle like on my sides and I feel his hiccups super low so I do think he's head down I just haven't felt anything in my ribs ever but I do have a lot of pressure down below. @augustbaby @survivormommieoavalos06 @beautiful_altar
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