Fail attent at Sex

edited July 2011 in Third Trimester
These past 2 weeks I've been trying to have sex, since its supposed to help with labor. But if I dont feel discussed by it, hubby ends up pissing me off for some stupid reason & we end.up not having sex.. Any advise or ideas on what I can do? :(


  • I'm like that. I want too have sex then something happens and its a no go we haven't done it in about 1 and half months. Feel bad for my husband but I'm not really missing it.
  • ... i am 38 weeks on tuesday and i feel the same way. its uncomfortable and then if i may be kinda in the mood we start and i just want him to be done. I feel like a cow so we get in the shower and i light candles to try and relax so i dont feel completely gross. doesnt always work but I WANT THIS BABY OUT!
  • @hyperf1, it is so hard espesially cause I know after I have the baby it might be another month untill I feel up for it!
    @ChelseaMarie, I want this baby out already too..! I just am always tired so when we do try to get in the mood I end up pushing him away & fall asleep. & then he gets mad at me but doesnt say it I just know by his face & mood it makes me feel worse..
  • I've given up for the next few months. I'm 8 months along and I haven't had sex in about a week. My husband just isn't interested. It's some kind of weird male symptom of pregnancy. I'd like to be having sex, but even when we do get it on, he doesn't last long and it hurts because I'm so tight. I figure once I have the baby in approximately 2 months and finish healing a month and a half later, then my sex life will probably be back to normal.
  • Yeah I think my husband kinda has a weird pregnancy fear as well because I wanted sex and he said no so oh well. I didn't enjoy sex last time as I just couldn't stop thinking how fat and horrible I looked I know he doesn't thin like that Its just my crazy thinking.
  • My hubby is suddenly interested now that i've had her. He just admitted to me that he wasnt interested when i was preggo, that i was right the whole time,but he couldnt tell me so at the time! Im not preggo now but it still made me cry.
  • Sex during pregnancy is a little awkward and uncomfortable. It's like we want it but when it actually's just not that same right now. Can't wait to get back to normal!
  • At first I loved it! It was the best sex ever.. But I reached my 8 months & I just cant anymore. :(
  • I'm 7 months and we both really want to so bad! But he's always worried about hurting the baby and he feels like he is disrupting my baby's life! Lol and I feel not so sexy with this big belly ); the only time we can do it without those problems is in the shower from behind .. but he gets more freaked out the bigger I get /: guess we gotta wait!
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