Is Tylenol Extra Srength safe or not??

edited February 2011 in Health
So I keep getting mixed reviews on the safety of taking extra strength vs regular. I'm 13 weeks and my headaches are getting even more vicious. I've always suffered from migraines and headaches and I was told Tylenol is all I can take safely. I have taken Tylenol 3x already and just noticed the bottle is Extra Strength! Is it really that bad?


  • I'm 7 wks and this is my 2nd child and both times that is the only medication my doctor has prescribed for me for my pains
  • Tylenol extra strength is the only pain killer my doctor lets me take, L-)
  • i am just gonna ask my dr tomorrow..
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  • I think asking is best. You can also look up drug ratings. They go from a b c the lower a being no prob at all b being could have slight side affects. C getting dangerous. D=dont do it! Can't remember the web sight you should be able to google it. Its the same ratings dr's are supposed to go by. Think its like web md or something..?
  • I do plan on asking my dr. It's just right now my head is splitting into a million pieces and I really don't want to harm my baby.
  • Tylenol extra strength is completely fine. Ask the pharmacist or your doctor. There is nothing wrong with it.
  • Thanks ladies. I just wanted to make sure I'm ok to take the only medication I have available.
  • Hello everyone! I'm new to this but wanted to comment on this blog as I'm actually a pharmacist...extra strength is just fine, just watch the amount you consume in a 24 hour period. No more than 4 grams....and as with any drug during pregnancy, less is always better.
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