is there a soy iso' group?

edited February 2011 in Trying to conceive
Is there a group in ttc for ppl using soy ISO as a clomid substitute?


  • no, but what's that??? I took chlomid...still waiting to test!
  • it's supposed to be an herbal supplement for chlomid. i tried it. tonight's my last night. you can google it and read all about it. I am really hoping it works. but a little nervous about doing it instead of chlomid that is closely monitor all of it. it's apparently really common. people use it who donnt have ovulation problems to boost the possibility of concieving twins too. haha! Wheb do you test?
  • @twin_angels My dr told me that provera was just to regulate ur body. It made me sick though. Good luck!
    @sas_edwards I test the 19th or 20th yes I am praying for twins ;) I know ppl think we're crazy but I've always wanted twins & hubby does too! ;) Good luck to you too! I am intersted in this herbal supplements.
  • I tested today & a af isnt due till sat so I'm hoping a bfp shows up sat
  • My doc told me the provera only causes your body to have a period. To clean your uterus out, which is needed for a healthy uterus. Provera doesn't make you ovulate. Your body may ovulate after a round of provera but provera didn't cause it.

    Then a round of chlomid will make you ovulate. (Or should)

    That's how I understood it. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. LOL this is all really new to me. I don't remember where I heard about soy iso's but I did a little online reasearch and thought I would try it Bette the more serious chlomid approach. From what I've read it is supposed to make you ovulate and work like chlomid. So we'll see....there were several ppl I found online that had a lot good things to say. There was some negative too tho. It says on the bottle not to take it if you have fertility problems. But I read something about the new studies with it that said it was having positive results. Sorry I don't know exact websites. But I just Googled it and went from there....

    What do y'all think?
  • My doc told me the provera only causes your body to have a period. To clean your uterus out, which is needed for a healthy uterus. Provera doesn't make you ovulate. Your body may ovulate after a round of provera but provera didn't cause it.

    Then a round of chlomid will make you ovulate. (Or should)

    That's how I understood it. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. LOL this is all really new to me. I don't remember where I heard about soy iso's but I did a little online reasearch and thought I would try it Bette the more serious chlomid approach. From what I've read it is supposed to make you ovulate and work like chlomid. So we'll see....there were several ppl I found online that had a lot good things to say. There was some negative too tho. It says on the bottle not to take it if you have fertility problems. But I read something about the new studies with it that said it was having positive results. Sorry I don't know exact websites. But I just Googled it and went from there....

    What do y'all think?
  • Oh and provera makes me really sick too. I have really bad sleeplessness. Like I went 3 days with no sleep. Uh but I figured out to just take a nyquil or tylenol pm
  • @twin_angels @sas_edwards did you have nightmares while on provera???
  • :( hun I'm sorry to hear that!!! Well I was on provera awhile back......prob June 2010 & thinking back I was going through a lot if nightmare,screaming nights :'( a few I will never forget is I had a baby boy and someone broke in our home, shot hubby & me (still alive ) & kidnapped our baby.....I'm tearing thinking about ut bc it seemed soooo they are saying that if the blood test come back neg this wk they want to start me on provera again to produce a period so that I can take another round of chlomid.......ugh!
  • Ugh sorry girls this sucks! But I am so glad to have y'all! I think it would be so rare to have a real life friend who's going through exactly what we are. Its nice to talk about it on here.
    @twin_angels I don't remember if I cramped or how any days I took provera but I started my period the first no pill day. And I don't know about nightmares but I never understood sleeplessness until then. I would be EXHAUSTED but would lay down and not be able to sleep at all. I would only get like 2 or 3 hours if any unless I took nyquil or tylenol pm.
    I just want my BFP!!!!
    I know this is tmi....but I've had boob issues for some time and in the last two weeks my nipples have litterally been spookier sensitive. They feel like blisters when anything touches them! Its horrible but I'm hoping its a good sign!
    It will happen for us!!!!!!
  • @twin_angels @sas_edwards yes it sucks not having a face to face friend but I am sooooo blessed to have met all the ladies on here!!! I am so thankful to have met ppl going through the same, not that I wish this on anyone but I felt soooo alone before & woukd get very depressed :'( I am w/ ya I just want my BFP!!!!! Everywhere I turn someone is prego! My 10yr vhs reunion is next year & this year 13+ ppl are pregi from my grade (some w/ 1st others w/ 2nd 3rd 4th) just makes me sad I mean since I was 7 I told my mom " when I grow up I wanna get married, be a Mommy & a teacher" I'm married, & I went to school but tooka break.....and now all I want more than anything in the whole world is to be a mommy!!!!! My bestie (we are best friend soul mates so thankful I met her!!!) is going through a divorce :( her a$$hole if. husband is awful, on steroids, cheated on her for 5years!!! does drugs, is abusive anyway so she moved her & my precious neice to her oarents who live about 8 hours away!!! It was the besr thing for them but I feel so alone and empty w/out her bc my other friends don't understand & don't like to talk about it very much they just say dont worry it'll happen. Thankfully hubby wantsva baby about as much as me so I can talk but u know sorry for rambling!!! You should see the post I put on Today no sign of af, my supervisor is my reason for stress :(
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