Bottle warmer...really needed??

Finishing up my registry (which I have to say was one of the most tiring things I've ever done, me poor feet were KILLING me)...and I did not add a bottle warmer. My older sister went with me and she said I wouldn't need one. I've always seen my family just warm up the bottle in a small pot with boiling water.

Do you guys think its a necessity? Or will a pot of boiling water be good enough? I'm a FTM so I really have no idea, want to know from mothers with experience if I should add it... :)


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  • I got one because my husband is afraid of getting the bottles too hot.
  • Well i remember that i bought a bottle warmer for my daughter, and i never used it.. i used breast feeding/formula, but i used room temperature water for the formula.
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  • We have one just cos it was on special offer and my oh has to have most things he see's on special offer :/, any how i don't really see the point in them and i few people i know who have bought them said they never used it or it was crap
  • @new_baby_in_oct See thats what I'm scared of also
  • @caffeinated_katie I am going to bf but since I'm only taking 2 months off from work I was thinking about maybe getting one for whoever is taking care of the baby after I go back.
  • @all Thanks ladies, seems like it really is not needed. I'm not gonna put it on the registry.
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  • I got it with my first and it sucked it over heated the bottles and I followed the instructions :( I just did the old way the pot and boiling water that's what I am also doing with this baby and it's easier
  • I never bothered warming my sons bottles. Feedings were quicker, I didn't have to worry about his dad burning him after I went back to work, he self weened at three months * he has a tounge tie and i have no let down* and wouldn't even take expressed milk he would take the cold formula better then warm. After on formula I could go to a water fountain when out instead of taking his bottles into a nasty restroom for water. Never had an issue with stomach aches or anything, his formula also was based on what was on sale not brand.
    dispite the horrified looks I would get we never had an issue
  • You don't even need to warm up a bottle so you shud be fine without one
  • I loved my bottle warmer! The one I used with my son (and have bought another for this one) was a cooler in the back and could store 2 bottles over night (also to small pots of water) then just put the water into the warmer and it boiled the water while the bottle was in it so never had to botha going up and down the stairs all night :)
  • You don't want to pump and then put it in a bottle so whoever can feed the baby? @ExcitedForOctober
  • When I breastfed and stored it (like you will have to once you go back to work) I used the medella freezer bags. A coffee cup of hot water worked great.:)
  • @excitedforbaby yes but its going to need to be in the fridge and still need to be reheated.
  • Mmm ok. I was told the microwave wasn't good because it can have hot points. Like the milk can warm unevenly.
  • @excitedforbaby oh no, there was no way I was gonna use the microwave!
  • Oh good. Don't want any tongues burnt.
  • If your husband is worried about burning the bottle you can always just run hot water in a pot/ will take awhile though ;)
  • I didnt even use a pot of boiling water. I used the hottest water my tap could give and I let it soak in a bowl until fully melted. Then I moved it around until all the breast milk was warm. Worked VERY WELL!
  • I used mine all the time at night so I didn't have to go up and down the stairs and it was fast.
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  • u could microwave a cup of water..mug.. and place bottle in it till it warms up
  • edited July 2011
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  • I am pregnant with my fifth son. I never bought a bottle water works fine..breast milk can sit out for 8 hours before it goes bad. The microwave can cause hot spots but you just shake the bottle to mix it up and test before feeding. Trust me when you have a screaming hungry baby waiting 5-10 min for hot water seems like a eternity. 30 seconds on the microwave is heaven sent. A bottle warmer for the car however is essential!
  • Thanks for all the advice ladies!
  • I read in my pregnancy and newborn book that you shouldnt warm breast milk in microwave or really on the stove either. pediatrician said to let thaw on own or to put in bowl of warm water....
  • @Rissalee mmm interesting! Thx for the info!
  • @ExcitedForOctober ur welcome maybe just call a pediatrician and ask what they reccomend
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