sex drive

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
My sex drive is down, I used to have a high sex drive but ever since I got pregnant its down I have had sex with my hubby in like 2 or 3 weeks, I no it makes him sad and I don't like oral so What can k do to get it back up


  • Sweetheart I hate to break it to you but there really isn't anything you can do. Its all about your hormones but it will go back to normal after the baby comes.
  • How far along are you? Usually 2nd trimester you feel much better once the sickness is gone but maybe that's just me
  • I didn't lose my sex drive u til the end of my second.. I'm 34 weeks now and only lost it when I got to huge to do anything comfortably! I hope I get mine back to.. I feel so bad for him! Lol
  • I'm 7 weeks...yes I feel so bad for him I don't no what to do lol
  • Tell him if your creating life he can suck it up and help himself! Lol
  • For me it was on and off.. I wasn't in the mood for a while throughout my first trimester but I wanted it all the time in my second when I wasn't as tired.. but not so much now that I'm so big! Plus in ur 1st all I wanted to do was sleep!
  • Lol he don't complaini just feel so bad we used to do it every night and now I'm Just nit in the mood he calls me an old lady lol
  • Haha. Sounds like my bf! In ur second your not as tired.. but I had really vivid sex dreams which worked out in his favor.. lol but do it while you still can.. I'm 34 weeks and can't even see my girlyness anymore..and that's not sexy lol .. makes it hard to even want to! Lol
  • I'm just sick all the time and don't even get turned on anymore
  • It will come back at some point..I can't imagine if I didn't want it without feeling sick.. I feel bad for the mommy's with morning sickness!
  • @squrit299 I was like that in the first trimester but would still try for my husband then the second trimester my sex drive went up I'm 34 weeks now and still enjoy it lol:-)
  • First trimester I was the same way, wait till the 2nd lol I want it more than I did pre pregnancy
  • I am sick until night comes around I hate it, then at night I still feel like crap
  • Aww hopefully it will go away soon and you feel better:-)
  • I sure hope so I'm glad I'm not throwing up
  • I'm 34 weeks and have been on bedrest since 31 and have had preterm labor issues so I'm not allowed to have sex or even have orgasms because it makes me contract :( I envy you ladies that are able to!! :-((
  • During my frist trimester I was a no go I didnt get sick or nothing just wasnt in the mood. Now I am 19 about to be 20 weeks and my sex drive is back up. My bf complained the whole time about how we use to and now we arnt. But now he seems to get tired befor I do. I think the wait killed him.... Haha ;;)
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