Am I being a horrible snob?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
So I'm almost 9 weeks pregnant and my cousin whom I grew up with and am therefore close to keeps buying me girl baby clothes that are from the goodwill and they are ugly. I don't have anything against the goodwill but these clothes are ugly and I have no idea if I'm even having a girl. She's bought like 10 outfits already and I've tried telling her to stop since I'm not even sure what I'm having but she won't. Am I being a snob and overreacting? And how do I get her to stop??? Also I've had multiple miscarriages and if I were to lose this baby I really don't want to be staring at baby clothes after. Although we are praying and really feel this baby is going to make it =)


  • No your not being a snob. Kindly tell her due to your history and the fact that you don't know the sex yet, you don't want to start getting baby things just yet. As far as the ugly clothes, maybe you could suggest yall going shopping together. That way you could stop her before she buys something you don't like.
  • Thanks that makes sense although I've tried to ask her to stop but she has an answer for every reason I give her but the me going shopping with her is a great idea thank you =)
  • My mil is terrible about buying my kids ugly clothes. I just take them graciously, remove the tags like im keeping them, and return them to goodwill. She doesn't remember everything she gets, and lots of times there is good stuff in it. I had lots of mc's too, and i would just put the clothes i did like in a box and put them in the attic. I didn't have to look at them, and when my daughter came, i was glad i had them.
  • Thanks that's great advice!
  • Glad I could help. And if she doesn't stop, its just a waste of money on her part if it turns out being a boy. I was lucky my parents and inlaws bought really cute stuff...a lot of expensive stuff to. And my sister had a boy 6 months before me so I got all his cute hand me downs.
  • Since you have already tried telling her and she wont listen, you can sell them, return them, or give them away to a family who may need them.
  • No, you don't sound like you're being a snob. Even if you were due tomorrow and knew you were having a girl, it would still be okay to be picky about what she would be wearing. I don't intend for my baby to wear ugly stuff either. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!
  • @preggers.. I know exactly what you're talking about. My mom is the exact same way. It got to be pretty annoying, so I started hinting for her to stop. When she didn't pick up the hints, I just told her that I don't know if I'll miscarry, have a boy/girl, or whatever else could happen. She stopped for the most part after that. Good luck with everything! I know it's hard.
  • Thanks you guys I appreciate the support and advice
  • Ur not being a snob at all. First of all 9 wks is way too early to start buying stuff, especially gender specific stuff. Secondly u already asked her to stop and she wont so she is clearly not respecting u or ur wishes which is an even bigger issue than the ugly clothes. These other ladies are much better than I am because I told my own mother I didnt want some hideous bag she knitted for my baby and told her to stop making stuff. She got her feelings hurt but now she listens to me. I would simply refuse to take them and let her know if she continued to keep buying stuff and disrespecting ur wishes that ur gonna take the stuff back. Call me a bitch but its ur baby and she needs to understand right now its about what u want and not about her uncontrollable urge to make ur baby a fashion disaster.
  • Lol im pretty dammmm picky about whar my little guy is going to wear...(i dislike baby blue)my friend teases me ..shes like baby dosent care what he People have given me bags of used clothes to wich I am grateful I just thank them kindly sort through em and give the ones I dont like to goodwill. I agree buying gender specific clothes 9 weeks is way to early . Also later on try registering at somewhere like Target or Burlington that way people buy you what you pick out .
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