So Im still awake at 1:45am because

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
My bd smokes cigs all the damn time and has let sooo many damn mosquitos in the house! I mean I'm getting bit every other min. It's seriously worse then I can explain.


  • Kick him in the balls. Lol or throat punch
  • Well, he'd prob go out more! I'm just afraid that when I have my lil one, its gunna be eaten alive. Mosquitos can really make u sick.
  • Aww @mommacass im still up at 225ct cause i had to clean my apt cause i have energy saving program people coming to install new faucets and swirly light bulbs in th morning.
  • @steph_due_101611 still up.. and I've now turned a hallway light on to drive bugs away from me an towards the light, which in return has made him wake up! It's soo irritating!
  • I feel bad cuz he gets up at 530, but... I have bites all over my body!
  • Do you have any incense or bug spray?
  • Well smoke even remotely being around baby can harm it, he is being kind selfish. Tell him to get up and kill them or go asleep with them.
  • I've never ever used bug spray on myself..stuff containing deet stays in ur spinal cord for life. Incense would work..but with our intense heat all the Windows are up w the ac running, so I'd for sure get smoked out! @steph_due_101611
  • You can get deet free
  • @krazymomofadrian he is letting mosquitoes in the house by going outside to smoke. Nobody smokes in our place! Id never allow that to happen. Baby isn't here yet, my dd was yesterday...
  • @Steph_due_101611 chemicals in general freak me out to be 100% honest. I know it sounds like I'm making excuses but I just won't use bug spray. I do however make my own outdoor spray, but nothing goes on my skin.
  • Mosquito net for the baby should keep him/her safe. I just bought one for my babys car seat so I won't have to worry much when we go to the park and stuff! It sounds like you don't want to tell bd to stop.... that's fine but you shouldn't be uncomfortable. Your slepless nights should be cause of the baby... like me right now :) for the baby use nets .... for you... hide the cigs! Lol.
  • Mosquitos suck. He needs to kill them for you. Maybe a citronella candle? Or a fan blowing over you so they can't land so well. They are attracted to the carbon dioxide in exhales
  • =[ get repellent candles or that new clip that deters mosquitoes ...

    I'm still up because my sister is watching Japanese anime cartoons so ephin loud... one second I hear "sho shi do! Ittedakimasu! Konichiwa!" Then the next thing I hear is explosions or whatever....then some little girl with a squeaky voice "meh-do-oh-ma-die-i-deh♪"

    Like really. I've asked her to turn it down six times already, no kidding or exaggerating, the only reason she's watching TV is because my parents turn off her computer at 12 now... at least on that machine she's QUIET...
  • Oh I meant the smoke on his clothed van transfer to baby, but that sucks. He should at least kill them all.
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