breast feeding weight loss?

How much weight did you lose from breast feeding your first child?


  • Well I lost all the weight I gained while pregnant plus about 20lbs and nobody could tell me nothing!! Lol gonna bf this time too hoping I get the same if not better results and I btw I still ate what I wanted.
  • i'm praying I have the same kind of luck! All i have wanted to do my whole pregnancy so far is diet. I am so determined to lose weight after this baby! When my husband and I first started dating I weighed around 180. I gained about 50 pounds since then. I had started a diet right before I got pregnant and lost 8 pounds and then 5 more from morning sickness and now i'm back at my weight of 230 before I started my diet. I want to at least get back to 180 but my ultimate goal is 150 or less.
  • @carsons_mommy.. OMG I thought I was reading my life just then...u r me too the tee.
  • i gained like 45 pounds and i am going into 38 weeks, i am ready to pop any minute. i am planning on bfeeding and i am soo determined to loose weight too. i am curious to hear how much weight could be lost my bfeeding :)
  • how long does it take to start losing weight due to breastfeeding? im breastfeeding and my daughter is 12days old and ive lost 13lbs so far but I think I lost that when she popped out.
  • It's varied for me, but this time around I gained 16lbs total, lost about 8-10lbs from having the baby, was back to prepregnancy weight in 1 1/2 weeks, and am now -4lbs. from prepreg. weight. Oliver will be 3wks old tomorrow. :)
  • I lost 25lbs 3 weeks after having my son, but I still needed to lose another 25 and that happened right when I stopped nursing at 11 months...
  • thanks :)
    id like to keep a little weight but I want to get rid of this belly. its not bad and u cant tell I just had a baby but I hate seeing it jiggle when i walk
  • @lovtra hahaha that is funny. Im glad there is someone who knows what im going threw then.

    I googled stuff about weight loss from breast feeding and there was alot of women that said they couldn't lose all the weight they wanted until they quit bf
  • With my first I lost it pretty quickly, on my 6 weeks checkup I was wearing my size 0 again. Though the first week postpartum I had extra 5 pounds from ivs, I had c-section. I am 26 weeks now, and definitely will breastfeed him too!
  • I'm 8 lbs away from my pre pregnancy weight and my girl is 4 wks. My belly is almost flat def doesn't look like I just had a baby I hear it every day. So yes def yes breast feeding helps lose that baby weight!!
  • My babies 11 weeks. Im smaller than before I got pregnant. In fact my butt has shrunk down to nothing:( im upset about it. I always had a nice round butt and now its gone. Trying to eat more now that I've lost the weight. I don't wana get too small. I like curves and mine are disappearing.
  • With my son I had gained around 35 lbs, by my 6 week check up I was back to pre preggo weight. By the time he was 6 months I had lost about 25 more lbs. But I started weight watchers after my 6 wk check up and walked at least 30 min a day to get the 25 off.
  • Wahoooo! I plan on bf'ing n I hope I loose all this weight! ;;)
  • I really want to start some kind of diet after I have the baby but im not sure which would be the easiest for me. I definitely plan on walking my butt off though!!
  • Me too...everyone around me is losing so I feel bigger than ever. Way to wait on me to get prego!
  • with my first i gained 49 lbs. and by 2 wks after she was born i had 5 lbs left. i nursed until she was 7 1/2 months old, but without knowing it i conceived our second when she was 6 months. i breastfed my son only 3 months, but i lost all 51 lbs that i gained during pregnancy with him, in addition to 15 extra lbs.
    i am def overweight prepreggo with this goober and am up 27 lbs. so i hope i lost a WHOLE LOT after she is born :) 5 wks or less to go!! WOOO
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