37 wks today! :)

edited July 2011 in Third Trimester
And I am so done! It gets slower and slower and I just want my baby boy out! It's time to squirm outside little man !!:)


  • I understand! i'm one week behind you and I've been dilated to 4 for a week now and he is head down and im completely effaced.... and H'E STILL NOT HERE!! lol. He 's just being so stubborn... i so ready to have this baby. I took a fibronactin test a week ago and it came back positive, my Ob said based off of that that latest the baby will come is the end of next week,... i hope that test is accurate cause i cant take anymore! lol [-(
  • Oh man you're lucky as far as dialation and what not goes... I haven't progressed at all! Id be happy with a fingertip for now! But I hope you get lucky and yours gets outta there soon! @bunny_424
  • I feel you, I'm 38w5d and am ready to push him out lol. I lost my mucus plug, or at least some of it and I'm dilated to 1. I hope things start to speed up soon. Lots of labor dust to all of us :)
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