Great men do exist!

edited January 2011 in Pregnancy and fathers
My husband has been so amazing during our pregnancy. I am truly blessed. There are many people that aren't as lucky and I just want to give you ladies hope in finding someone who is deserving of you and your little one . So to all the ladies who do have a great partners share some stories to bring hope.


  • My boyfriend moved up from Melbourne for me recently and we just started trying to have a baby. He's an amazing man and we're very much in love. We can't wait to see a little plus on the pregnancy test!! A lot of people think he's too young (he's 20) But if they spoke to him they'd know how strong and loving he is. We really want a boy and have been following advice on how to conceive one. It's great to hear that there are amazing men out there who are ready for a family!!
  • I must agree. I was with a gerk for 2 years and didn't realize how bad he treated me till I met my husband. He's not perfect by any means! Lol but he always says sorry after he's been a jerk lol and is completely sportive and loving. And such a great father to our kids. They are out there, you just have to believe your worth it, and don't settle for the jerk!
  • My hubby is the best to I'm blessed he does everything for me. From giving me rub downs, food shopping, washing cloths, letting me relax from the kids working 6days a week he is the best ever I'm lucky to have him im in love still after 11 yrs together 8 yrs married & 2kids & 1 on the way :)
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  • I'm truelly blessed to have my fiance he is the greatest. After 4 yrs with a no gud cheating man that did nothing but giving me a wonderful daughter. God has blessed me with a man that loves me and my daughter and has stuck by me throw the gud and and the bad and helped me thro a lot of the pain I was having in side now we are having a baby boy to comlete are wonderful family there are gud men out there.
  • Got you all beat..and when I can tell the story for real...after first trimester you will agree...I HAVE THE BEST HUBBY EVER!
  • So I've been complaining about my husband but he really is trying. He made chicken today and I can't stand the smell so I enclosed myself in our bedroom upstairs. He made numerous trips to bring my dinner and put it all away. He now gives me hugs several times a day and took me to church and breakfast this morning. As much as I go crazy, he keeps smiling for me.
  • Yea they do exist. I am pregnant by a jerk n I cried so much this pregnancy bcuz of him. But then God sent sum1 in my life he still appreciated me even tho I was pregnant by another man. We live about 20 blocks from each other and he would walk 2 see me everyday and be with me all day even on his busy days he had 2 c me. N even tho I wouldn't have sex he still stayed. When I was hungry all the time he would leave his house even @ 2am n bring me food n sit out on the porch with me even in the winter n just talk n keep me warm. I accused him a lot n he stayed. N once we broke up 4 like 3days n I had sex wit my babydad n he was very mad n hurt but still decided 2 give me another chance. He does so much 4 me n just says he wnts 2 marry me n wnts me 2 hav his child 2...right after this 1...but I'm not ready 4 that I'm goin on the pill lol. But he's so sweet n a lot of ppl dnt c that side 2 him cuz he's like a real known guy. He even came 2 my doctors appts wit me n da dad doesn't. He wnts 2 take me away 4rm da depression in my life @ home kuz he can relate n he wnts us 2 strt new wit our own place n strt our family da way we wnt all we wnt is happiness.. n I kno he wud raise my son even tho its not his. He is so great lol c how much I wrote about him dats kuz wen I thinkof him I cnt stop smiling n tlking....2 much gd stuff. =)
  • I was with a jerk who cheated on me, called me fat, and hardly worked. I had to get a job at a fast food place where I ended up falling in love with my manager. He stole me away from my ex and kept me at his place even tho his roommates didn't want me living there. We ended up moving in together and getting married. I got pregnant with our child on my 19th birthday :) When my two best friends ditched me, he said that he would be my friend and support. When I feel emotional, he hugs me and kisses me. When I'm hungry, he gets me food. When I puke, he cleans out my bucket and gets me water. My mom is pressuring me to get a job, but he got a better job so I wouldn't have to cuz I feel so bad lately. I love him so much! <3
  • My boyfriend has been amazing. Looking up my medicines taking over some stuff in the house (like the cat box ) and just asking me how I feel. The first time I was pregnant 7 years who my ex was an ass, so I know how lucky I am. So hopefully this forum will keep the positives going :)
  • My outlook is IT SHOULDN'T BE THAT HARD! One of my favorite things to do with my fiance is just sit and talk... After 3 yrs together and on our second pregnancy we still really enjoy each other. Besides love, I still LIKE him:) we are both divorced with kids from our previous marriages. if everyone knew someone like this was out there for them I don't think they would put up with their bad relationships:)
  • My boyfriend is an ORR truck driver so he spends almost a month at a time away from home, but we talk all the time and send pictures and videos back and forth. When he is here, he always cuddles with me and holds me and he knows me better than anyone, including myself. And he is always watching out for me, especially now that I am pregnant. If someone walks to close to me or almost bumps into to me, he's like, watch out she's pregnant! I think its so cute. I love it. We have been together 3 years and having our first baby due april 15th.
  • It really brings a smile to my face to see positive stories with happy endings or should I say beginnings! I'm glad I put this out there. My husband is my rock my friend my lover and partner in crime. He is going to make an amazing father to our baby girl. This is our first! Only 8 weeks 3 days to go. I have so much love to give her!
  • its good to hear about will these good men, I'm do happy I found my husband hes fantastic I was sick last night so he cooked dinner I went 2 bed n he looked after the 2 boys one of which refused 2yo go 2 bed till 1am n wet his bed n I didnt hear a peep, feel much better today
  • My boyfriend is my best friend. What else can a girl ask for? :)
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  • My boyfriend is amazing. He takes care of me when I need it, he rubs me down, cooks me dinner and cleaned the house when I was on Bedrest. He texts me all day long to see if I'm doing ok. When he gets out of work, he calls me to see if I need him to pick up something for me. I sort of feel bad for him because sometimes I am really mean to him. Hopefully he doesn't take it personally
  • Bad things happen to us so that we realize that we are better and can more forward. Everything happens for a reason!! We end up in bad relationships so that when the right person comes along, we know it.
  • Ok I my not be a good wife at times but he does a hell of a job taking care of the house cleaning cooking Washin clothes, take care of the kids, gives me roses just bc n he will do anything for me. I got a good man
  • My fiance and I have been together since my sophomore year of highschol. Because we were together so young he was the "jerk boyfriend" and "loving fiance" I know now. He's an amazing father to our daughter, and was more amped to find out I was pregnant a second time than I was lol. He works hard and encourages me to be a stay at home mom (even though I can't bring myself to do it yet). He's an amazing man and I'm blessed to have him with me. :)
  • I have an awesome hubby we actually conceived the night he proposed lol our lifestyle was all party before we found out we were preggo he was barely working drinking smoking and by the time I was 3 months he did a 360 and now he wrks full time quit drinkin smokin partying and treats me like a queen I am so blessed to hAve such a wonderful hubby and to know he is going to be an awesome father to our son
  • I have an amazing boyfriend n were super excited about having a baby, hopefully a boy!!!
  • Even though I'm young, my boyfriend totally supports me in anything I do. He has always been there for me from day one and I have loved him ever since. Not many women can say that they met their amazing husband at a young age like ill be able to say <3
  • My bf was great during my first pregnancy its after the baby is when he changed.
  • My boyfriend was not very excited when we found out...defiantly a "blessed" surprise...but ever since our Dr. Appt. He has been amazing and supportive and excited now...I couldn't ask for more....I'm very fortunate to have such an amazing man in my life to share this wonderful experience with :)
  • My boyfriend is the best guy ever he is a true man inside and out. I love everything about him he acts so big and bad but he's a softy lol. He is my bestfriend and my soul mate. The best thing about him he is already an amazing dad to his 4 year old son even though his ex took his son to another state (we live in ma his son lives in oh) he trys to see his son as much as possible and all he talks about is that little boy. Back in late december we decided to stop trying not to get pregnant after we had his son for x-mas and his son told him he wants alittle sister and little did we know we were already pregnant. He was excited when he found out I was pregnant and he told me he really wants a girl he even had a name picked out then at 12 weeks we found out we are now having twins :) we are nervous he still wants his little girl and I believe he now wants another boy too and that's what I want 1 boy 1 girl and my tubes tied after all down the line I know I will be stepmom to that beautiful boy. The only problem I have with my boyfriend is that we live in different towns which is hard sometimes and I work and go to college while he works and runs his own buisness which isn't the problem the problem is he wants me near him every second of everyday and tell me all the time he's happy when he's with me :) (I never said it was a bad problem lol)~*12 weeks 4 days~*
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