my friend thinks she might be pregnant HELP!

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
Okay so she has a regular cycle period(28days) and for the past two periods she spotted before her period came.she spotted like 5days and then her monthly period came on you think she's pregnant? We're waiting to go buy a test cause its too soon.what do you ladies think?


  • edited July 2011
    how old is she? i ask this because a lot of time until you are about 18-21 or if only been having your periods they can change it up. heck, they can change their cycles at any age, i suppose. just because she is spotting before her period wouldn't say she is pregnant. i would take a test. but i would say it is more likely that she should call her ob or get an ob/gyn just to be sure and then they can figure out why her cycles are changing now.
    also, was it recent that she lost her virginity? that alone can screw with your periods.
  • She's 20 her cycle didn't really change she just started spotting n then her regular period came.but thanks for your advice :)
  • no problem. i would suggest seeing a doc. my cycles are ALWAYS irregular and have never had a consistency to them, even while on birth control and i am 26.
  • I'm 26 and last year my periods turned irregular and I would only spot or a day or two. I went to my gyno and turns out I had low estrogen. I would suggest that she gets her hormones checked.
  • If she had a period she's 99% not pregnant.
  • I had bleeding at 4 and 8 weeks that I thought was a period with this pregnancy. But not spotting too. She should see her dr, because it sounds like her hormones are out of whack.
  • I think that something else might be going on.... she def needs to see a doctor. Before I found out I was prego my periods were always on time like clock work. The last one I had I spotted for two days then I was done which is not normal at all for me I usually have super heavy periods that last seven to ten days. So I thought something was up n Wat do ya know I didn't get my next period
  • Yeah she defiantly needs to go to the doctor's.she's just scared she might be pregnant
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  • @marinesangel that's why I said 99% it can happen but it is more likely that she isn't pregnant.
  • I would just buy one of the early detection tests and wait or go into the dr.

    Stress can do strange things to your period-make it late or start then stop.
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